Teaching the Quran for a salary

Is it allowed in Islam to accept money for teaching the Qur’ân?

Answered by Sheikh Riyâd al-Musaymîrî, professor at al-Imâm University in Riyadh Yes, it is permissible to accept money for teaching Qur’ân, particularly in case of need. In Sahîh al-Bukhârî [5737] it is related that the Prophet (peace be ... Continue Reading

Serving the religion

Serving the religion is the responsibility of everybody. ... more


Discipline forms are different based on different ages. ... more

The Public School Effect On Iman

Pay attention to your child's education from the young age... ... more

Moneywise Kids

Give charity. Encouraging children to give charity from their own savings will reduce selfishness and teach them to be generous. They should be urged to share not only with people far away but also take them to shelters and soup kitchens where you volunteer your time together as a family. This will allow them to appreciate what they have and meet people who are (materially) poorer than them. Likewise, once they come of age, make them responsible for giving their own zakah. ... more

What is an Islamic Education?

What is an Islamic Education? The Shaping of Tomorrow’s Vicegerents Today. The Islamic concept of Tarbiyya is more inclusive of the more important aspects of nurturing, such as teaching the students the differences between what is righ, and wrong from both the legal sense as well as the Islamic sense. ... more

The Dilemma of Schooling Our Kids in the West

The dilemma that we are facing today is that Islamic schools are not always available. If they are available, they are not affordable for all Muslims, and many of them are simply unsatisfactory (certainly not all of them). ... more