The Ruling on Makeup and Cosmetics

Cosmetic surgeries become widely common amongst Muslim women, many indulge in it without knowing the rules of the Sharee’ah regarding such surgeries. In this lectures Sh Abu Adnan outlines the Islamic ruling regarding make up, temporary tattoos, Botox and other cosmetic surgeries based on the foundations of the Sharee’ah and the Islamic Fiqh, then implementing the rulings on each category.

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Latasha, Ex-Christian, USA

I am an American who grew up in a strict religious Christian family. By the time I was 16 I became very devout and religious myself. The church was like a home away from home. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I had read and studied the Bible on a regular basis. All the while I was noticing ...

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The Muslimah & Her Community

Wherever the Muslimah is, she should be a beacon of guidance and a positive source of correction and education, through both her words and deeds. ... more

The Hijab is Beautiful

It often occurs to me that many of my sisters in Islam are not properly encouraged once they begin to observe the requirements of Hijab. ... more

Sexualisation of Culture breeds Sexual Violence

...a pattern in which the focus is on the articulation and materialization of sex throughout a vast range of cultural, social and political fields, with an emphasis on re-conceptualizing and establishing sexual significance. This has followed the increasi ... more

Stick to legitimate veil Islamic girl

My Muslim sister this message is directly sent to you in relation to veil and grooming, everyone know that woman grooming is the cause of all disasters in many Islamic countries, there is no doubt that is a great misdeed and the cause of punishment and ne ... more

Who are the happy people?

O you who wear the pants and unveiling outfits in front of men and women, O you who wear the tight gowns, who compile your hear over your head and go out putting on perfume, O you who seduce men; beware of a severe threat. ... more

Attractive Hijabs & Shari’ah

Living in the west, the hijab has become a potent indicator of identity with many non-Muslims viewing it as a political statement. However, it is pertinent to note that the hijab is, first and foremost, an act of worship that women engage in, and an act undertaken to seek the pleasure of one’s Lord. ... more

Tears of Remorse

I wish you would permit me to tell you about some notions that had been passing by in my mind, for I would like to share them with you hoping that they would be like flowing softly to eventually find a haven in your pure heart. ... more

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