Episode 7: A Spotlight on the Journey of Israa and Miraj

Sheikh Ali Paqees:Israa and Miraj is the great journey of faith and the divine guidance granted by Allah (Glory be to Him) to his slave Mohammed صلى الله عليه وسلم to relieve his  sorrow after being accused of lying by his people, and dismissed by people of Altaef. Even his ...

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The Most Frequent Dua'a in Noble Sunna

Praise is due to Allah the Almighty, peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his Family, his Companions and whosoever follows him. Dua'a is a great act of worship in Islam and Allah the Almighty ordered us to make Dua’a in the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty ...

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The Virtue of Four Words

Praise is due to Allah the Almighty, peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his Family, his Companions and whosoever follows him. The most important objective in this life is finding ways to make our scale of good deeds heavy before the day of judgement and before ...

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Thousand Good Deeds in 2 Minutes

Praise is due to Allah the Almighty, peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his Family, his Companions and whosoever follows him. It is great to find an easier way to obtain rewards and to multiply our good deeds in this life before death. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and ...

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Episode 6: A Spotlight on the Year of Grief

Sheikh Ali Paqees: The year of grief and calamities came. In this year, the prophet lost his beloved ones.

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon:  The blockade hardships that the prophet along with Bani Hashim and bani Abdel-Muttalib went through has ended. Six months later, the grief and calamities encompassed ...

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How Many Treasures Do You Want in Paradise?

Praise is due to Allah the Almighty, peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his Family, his Companions and whosoever follows him. Paradise is the greatest gift to every Muslim and every wise Muslim takes the advantage to get more blessings in this beautiful place. The ...

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The Best Supplication for Seeking Forgiveness

Seeking forgiveness from Allah the Almighty is the greatest goal to every Muslim... ... more

Episode 5: A Spotlight on the First Emigration and the Ordeal of (Shi'b) of Abu Talib

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: The prophet's companions suffered vicious tyrannical tortures. The polytheists became more aggressive. They never ran out of methods to abuse, harass and torture the believers (may Allah be pleased with them).

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: They were severely tormented. ...

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Episode 4: A Spotlight on the Beginning of His Mission صلى الله عليه وسلم

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: The prophet's call unto the way of his Lord was clear and evident, for he called the people to worship Allah and none but him the Mighty; and to ostracize the idols and statues.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Three years after the beginning of the secret call unto islam; ...

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Episode 3: A Spotlight on the Commencement of the Divine Inspiration

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم didn't look at Mecca's society behaviors and morals as an example that should be followed, for he did not believe in idolatry; seeking the help of idols; or seeking one's fate through the divining arrows in extreme aversion and ...

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