Hajj and Umra Guide

An authentic reference and guidance for Hajj and Umra. Compiled and presented by Talal bin Ahmad Al-aqeel and published by Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Waqf, Daw'a and Irshad. ... more

The Description of the Prayer of the Prophet(Prayer and peace of Allah be upon him))

A precious reference which guides us to know description of the Prayer of the Prophet (Prayer and Peace of Allah be upon him). This book compiled by Mohammed Ibrahim Hussain(Research Center for Hadith); based on the work of Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Marzouq At-Tarefe. ... more

The Foundations of Faith in the Light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah

A great reference to every Muslim to understand and recognize foundations of Faith in Islam. ... more

Advice of Ibn Jawzi- Sajid Umar

A remarkable advice from a well-known Scholar Ibn Jawzi (may Allah the Almighty have Mercy on him).

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Significant Islamic Resources

Islam Way is an amazing website which is following the traces of our (al-Salaf as Saleh) Righteous Predecessors, the site, among others with similar approaches, aims at sound and clearer perception of Islam. Globally transmitting for all Muslims, no affiliation or restrictions of a political ...

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Ramadan Pocket Guide

Want to know the virtues of Ramadan? Have questions about Ramadan or Fasting? Want to know what was the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah upon Him) doing in Ramadan? Still undecided about organizing your time and setting a specific daily schedule to get the best out of Ramadan? You can do this and more just in one sitting or on the go by downloading the Ramadan Pocket Guide! ... more

Fasting Ramadaan

Ramadaan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is the best month of the year and has a number of virtues ... more

Allah Does not Look at Your Apperance

What really matters is our deeds. Beautiful article which drives us to consider the importance of having pure heart and doing good deeds which also will be reflected in the way we look to others. ... more