Wealth upon which Zakaah is Due 2/2

One must total his inventory at the end of the year, and 2.5% must be paid from its value ... more

Wealth upon which Zakaah is Due 1/2

Zakaah has been made obligatory upon four categories of wealth ... more

Invocation for When Rain Increases and one Fears it

Rain may be more beneficial to a place than to another, in a time than in another, in a situation than in another. ... more

Invocation for when it rains

It is recommended to seek blessings from the rain when it first comes down by making it touches one’s head and other parts of the body. ... more

The Virtues of Calling to Allah Almighty

Calling to Allah Almighty is among the best kinds of worship and the loftiest good works. ... more

The example of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in his call to his nation

calling to Allah is the mission of the Prophets, peace be upon him, and their followers ... more

What is to be said when visiting a dying person (2/2)

A dying person should combine hope and fear in himself: Hoping for the mercy of Allah and fearing of His Punishment. ... more

What is to be said when visiting a dying person (1/2)

The speech here will be about what is to be said when visiting a dying person and what should a dying person say when approaching death. ... more

How to perform Tayammum?

Tayammum replaces Wudhu or Ghusl and enables a person to do any acts of worship that normally require Wudhu or Ghusl. ... more


Tayammum is a dry ablution. ... more