The story of Prophet Eesaa -II

Prophet 'Eesaa, peace be upon him, continued calling people to Almighty Allaah and laying down for them what might be called the 'Law of the Spirit.' ... more

Sunan al-Fitrah (Muslim's cleanliness obligations)

Allah has chosen certain practices for His Prophets; Muslims are to follow these as well, they are known as Sunan al-Fitrah, or the Muslim's cleanliness obligations. Basically they comprise natural hygiene. ... more

The hand which gives is better than which takes

the upper hand is the giver and the lower hand is the beggar and it is known that a giver is better than the taker. ... more

What you Prefer Duniya or Hereafter?- Omar El-Banna

A great reminder of Hereafter. We all have to Be aware of this great advice to keep remembering the day of Judgment.

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An Ideal Day-Sajid Umar

This advice focuses on an Ideal Day in the life of a believer, one in which we are constant and consistent with the Sunnan-ar-rawaatib, salaatut Duha and feeding a poor person a meal at the time of Iftaar.

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The Virtues of Fasting and Ramadan-Sajid Umar

In this khutbah, Sheikh Sajid highlights the blessings and virtues of Ramadan for a believer and reminds us of the Gate of Rayyaan in Jannah that is exclusively reserved for the fasting person, and that we should strive for excellence

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The story of Prophet Eesaa -I

While Maryam (Mary), may Allaah exalt her mention, was praying in her place of worship, an angel in the form of a man appeared before her. Filled with ...

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Celebrating Al-Mawlid is a Bid'ah

Among the reprehensible innovations that people have invented is the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet, peace be upon him, (Al-Mawlid) in the month of Rabee’ Al-Awwal. ... more

Advice of Ibn Jawzi-Sajid Umar

This advice was shared during the Dhuhr reminder – ‘Food for thought, the only food we allowed to eat whilst fasting ‘ .

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Story of the Three Babies who Spoke in the Cradle

The three persons who spoke in the cradle ... more

The story of Prophet Shu’ayb

The people of Madyan, to whom he was sent by Allaah Almighty, were Arabs who lived in a place called (Ma'aan) (in Jordan). They were a greedy people who did not believe that Allaah existed and who led wicked lives. ... more