The Night of Power (Oh, What a Night!)

Muslims believe that the Lord has concealed the exact date of the Night of Power so they would worship Him fervently during the whole month of Ramadan ... more

Make the MOST of the last Days of Ramadan!!

Aa’isha (radhi allahu anha) narrates, ”When the (last) ten (days of Ramadan) began, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would enliven/revive the night, wake his family, strive, and tie his izaar tight.” ... more

Zakat al-Fitr: a Purification of your Fasts

The Messenger of Allah enjoined Zakaat al-fitr as a purification for the fasting person from idle speech and obscene talk, and to feed the poor. Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawood ... more

Checklist – Ramadan's Last Ten Nights and Days

the last ten days of Ramadan that are even more blessed than the rest of Ramadan ... more

The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan - Don't Miss!

Prophet Muhammad would wake up his wives to pray for a much longer portion of the night... ... more

Surah Al-Qadr - Laylat'l-Qadr Night of Decree

Laylatul Qadr is one of the blessings that we have and the other nations did not have. It is such a great blessing that Allah revealed an entire Surah just to illustrate to us what it is, just to dedicate for us...

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The Inward Requirements of Fasting

Praise be to Allah who has thwarted the hopes of Satan and frustrated his designs by making fasting a bulwark and a shield for his righteous servants; who taught them that the way of Satan to their hearts lies in secret lust; who has made known unto them that only through subduing its secret lust could the soul assert its superiority. ... more

MAXIMISE your rewards this RAMADAN – The SUNNAH the BETTER!

Different tips on how to maximize your rewards this Ramadan. ... more

A Day and a Night in Ramadan: Worship of the Night

This prayer is held immediately after the night prayer, which is performed when the last traces of dusk disappear. ... more