What Do You Say When You Stub Your Toe?

Any trouble that comes to a Muslim - even something as small as the pricking of a thorn - is an expiation for him. ... more

The Miracles Around Us

Think! Maybe It Is for Your Good ... more

Think! Maybe It Is for Your Good

Think! Maybe It Is for Your Good

By Selma Cook

Remember when you were very young and loved to play in the kitchen with all the gadgets? Very likely, your mother would let you play with some things but not with others. Years passed and when you got older you wanted to try different things and go ...

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Our On-Going Test

Only the person who has wisdom can realize that he is being tested. ... more

Islam and the Nature of the Universe

{It is God who raised the skies without support, as you can see, then assumed His throne, and enthralled the sun and the moon (so that) each runs to a predetermined course. He disposes all affairs, distinctly explaining every sign that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord} [Ar-Ra`d:2]. ... more

Mohammad Qutb – Death of an Icon

May Allah have mercy on the shiekh Muhammad Qutb. He is like the ibn khuldun of our time, a person that understands our current situation as an ummah and provides solutions to our problems. ... more

Black Magicand Evil Magicians

We often hear about cases of lunacy, constant headaches and stomach aches, insomnia, lethargy, hearing voices, sexual inability, sterility, frigidity, shattered marriages, woman’s continuous bleeding; and we often tend to have the undemanding answer that ’it is Allah (SWA), or, as the ignorant would put it, ’it is nature.’ Certainly, it is undisputable that anything in the Heavens and the Earth is managed by Allah, but we should not discard that Allah; has also commanded us to consider the causes of events. It is high time that we stopped and considered for a moment that, besides normal causes, there is the evil force of Sihr, the Arabic equivalent to sorcery. ... more

The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

The nature of the miracles performed at the hands of prophets. The splitting of the moon, and the Prophet’s journey to Jerusalem and ascension to Heaven. A mention of other various miracles of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him. ... more

How the Qur'an Differs From the Bible

It is a common allegation by Christians that the Qur'an is a mere copy of the Bible; that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) simply plagiarized "his" book from the pages of the Bible. ... more