Learn From Allah's Patience

«None is more patient in the face of offense than God. People say He has a son, but He continues to protect them and provide for them» (Bukhari). ... more

Is Praying in Arabic Difficult For You?

Praying is a meeting between you and God, and if you were a Christian or a Jew before, you certainly got used to performing it in your own language. ... more

Is the Qur'an for Arabs Only?

A Sikh friend of mine was given some literature to read. While reading it, he raised this objection: “You say that Allah speaks to the prophets and through these special people He sent a universal way of life for all mankind. The question is, why is such an important way of life prescribed in this one particular language [Arabic], which is used only in one particular geographic location? Why could not that Almighty Allah create one universal language for all of mankind so that all people could benefit from that equally? Arabic Qur'an is certainly beneficial for the Arabs only.”

By   Abul A`la Mawdudi / Mushfiqur RahmanHad your Sikh friend who raised this objection pushed his imagination a bit further, he could have also asked “Why did God not send a copy of the Qur'an directly to every human being? Since He is the Almighty, He could have done this ... Continue Reading

"Marry Anyone But a Muslim"!

What will you do if your beloved mother tells you “I don’t care if you marry a drug dealer, but don’t marry a Muslim?” ... more

Season of Goodness

3 Months of Blessings and Good Deeds... ... more

Hijaab is Ultimate Freedom

Hijaab (Islamic covering) has become a highly controversial issue in the West in general and in France in particular after the ban on wearing Hijaab in its public schools and other places. This ban came as part of the policy of racial discrimination and negative attitudes towards Islam, which aims at eliminating the means of understating the importance of Hijaab and its role in society. However, this pressure should not prevent the Muslim woman from adhering to her Hijaab even if this requires leaving the country that fights it ... more

New Muslims: How to Be Productive?

You are now a Muslim, but you do not have to close the doors on yourself and ignore the world: have dreams and work hard to achieve them. ... more

{Do not weaken and do not grieve}

During these unsettled conditions; the believer might forget some issues that he should take into his consideration, thus, we should remind of them frequently lest the righteous mislead the right path. ... more

If the Prophet Visited You!

I wonder... If the Prophet Visited You! ... more

Talking after Iqamah

Is it allowed to open unnecessary talk after prayer's Iqamat before the Imam begins to pray?

By Rabee' Al-AwwalPraise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.If this talk is within what is permissible then there is no harm in it but it is more appropriate to avoid it.The evidence of this is ... Continue Reading

The Art of Youth Empowerment

The difference between the Prophet's attitude and that of many of us is as great as the difference between building and destroying, empowering and undermining ... more