Kinship Rights-I

In this article, we will discuss a great and noble duty that Allaah The Almighty has made obligatory for spouses. Muslim homes cannot be reformed and love and affection cannot prevail in them unless this duty is perfectly fulfilled in a way that satisfies Allaah. ... more

Don't Wait - Live Productively While Young

Life often gets very busy for many young Muslims as they try to balance deen with studies, work, community projects and other commitments. But being ‘busy’ does not always translate into productivity. ... more

Five Stress Busters to Enhance your Productivity

In this deadline-demanding, rat race society, it seems like we’re pushed to run and run everyday beyond our capacity. Suddenly, one day passes like an hour, and an hour seems like a passing mosquito. But now, instead of making stress a scary green monster that’s ready to eat you alive, we’re going to find out how to manage stress and keep it under control. ... more

The Five Secrets of a Productive Muslimah

Success is something that has been on my mind lately. One of the first questions that comes to mind is ‘what are the secrets to success?’ As Muslim women growing up in contemporary times, we all face challenges that make it hard to have that break-through to success. There are some important lessons I have learnt through observing many admirable leaders around me, particularly sisters who have excelled in their own roles as mothers, wives, professionals and even as all these plus more! ... more