Al Hamdulillah (All Praise and Thanks be to Allah) Ibn Kathir

The Meaning of Al-Hamd, The Difference between Praise and Thanks, The Statements of the Salaf about Al-Hamd & The Virtues of Al-Hamd. ... more

Raising Our Future Generations: (Part 3) Shifting Gears

As children approach two years of age we see that they pick up a great deal from their surroundings. It is therefore crucial that their parents are there for them. ... more

Living Islam Daily

Shaykh Husayn al-Awaaishah

Do you pray fajr (morning prayer) in the mosque in Jamaa`ah (gathering) every day?

Do you keep all prayers in the masjid in Jamaa`ah?

Did you read any portion of Allaah’s Book today?

Are you consistent in saying your thikr (words of remembrance) and praise ...

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Gender Relations in Islam

Sheikh Alomgir Ali


Hysteria took over the media in recent weeks regarding the issue of gender segregation in public institutions in the UK. Such hysteria is not uncommon amongst the press these days as there seems to be a rise in sensationalist media reporting over issues which ...

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Raising Our Future Generations: (Part 2) Start At The Beginning

When intending marriage one needs to be extremely careful in selecting a suitable spouse. Not only is this person to be your life partner and soul mate, but he/she will be a parent to your child. ... more

Raising Our Future Generations: (Part 5): Strengthening the Foundation

Children need a great deal of attention and parents have to realize that raising kids is a 24/7 job. ... more

Raising Our Future Generations: (Part 1) A Great Responsibility

In the following articles, we will seek to raise points and offer practical solutions to implement regarding the raising of our children; so that inshaa Allah, on that great Day, we will have an answer to Allaah’s questions which we will not regret. ... more

Raising Our Future Generations: (Part 4) A Solid Foundation

I cannot emphasize enough how one needs to lead/teach by example. ... more

Reaching Excellence in Worship

The best form of worship is when the act is performed with Allah in mind from the beginning until the end. ... more

Advice to 'Umar ibn 'Abdul-'Aziz from Al-Hasan al-Basri

When 'Umar ibn 'Abdul-'Aziz became Caliph, he wrote to Al-Hasan al-Basri to write him the description of a just Imam, and Hasan wrote him ... more

Mocking Allaah

Many of us make jokes about the religion or about issues in the religion, and we don't even realize we are doing it. ... more