
“The month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed, guidance for people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever is present for the month let him fast through it. Anyone on ill or on a journey (who does not fast) should make up an equal number days (outside Ramadan). Allah ...

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Essentials of Ramadhan

By Tajuddin B. Shuaib. Extract from book: 'this is an in-depth resume of the essential rules and laws on the fiqh of fasting designed to proivide the reader with explanations for both spiritual and physical significance and uniqueness of this remarkable act of worship.' ... more

Religious Terms Dictionary

Islamic terms audio dictionary for English words translated to Arabic. The Authors are Dr. Abdullah Abu Ashi Al-Maliki and Dr. Abdul Latif Al-Sheikh Ibrahim

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How to Keep your Muslim Teen Away from Drugs and Alcohol

Do you know the whereabouts of your teen and the kind of company he keeps? Does he fulfill his responsibilities at home and school? Are you concerned about your teen’s mood swings and his trouble with getting ...

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