Category: Actions of the heart

All About Worship-Sajid Umar

The advices shared in ‘All about Worship’ dealt with the pillars and conditions that are incumbent upon a believer for our worship to be accepted.

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Three People that the Hell Fire wont Touch-Sajed Ahmed Umar

This short reminder focuses on three people that the Hell-Fire will not touch, due to their performing the specific actions mentioned in this reminder, extracted from the Ahadeeth.

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The Effect of Sins- Sajid Umar

Sheikh Sajid explains the effect that sins can have on ourselves, our family members and society as a whole. He also highlights how we should strive to protect ourselves from committing sins, and continously do a ‘self-audit’ of oursleves, and if we are to slip and err then remember to never lose Hope in the Mercy of Allah Almighty, for as long as we are breathing there is always a chance to turn back to Allah in repentance.

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4 Types Of Trials Fitan-Abdul Nasir Jangda

Surat Al-Kahf has plenty of advices for Muslims, it also demonstrates various challenges and in the mean time presents the perfect solution to tackle with the challenges.

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Tying the Knot

It is highly important to highlight procedures taken to be fully committed to acts of worship and to fulfill acts of obedience.

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Forgive me when I whine..

Bilal Assad gives us an inspiring lecture to be heard by all.

Duration: 1:03:31


What are intentions, which intentions are acceptable, and what intentions are not acceptable ?

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