Conditions of Laa ilaaha illa-Allaah

Can you please explain the conditions of Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (knowledge, certainty, etc), and tell us the rulings on one who does not attain them and one who is ignorant of the meaning of Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah?
Praise be to Allaah.The conditions of Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah. Shaykh Haafiz al-Hukmi said in his poem Sullam al-Wusool : “Knowledge, certainty, submission and following. So listen to what I say.Truthfulness, sincerity and love. May Allaah help you to do that which He ... Continue Reading

Wishing for death because of intense distress

I have great problems in my work and in my social life. Is it permissible for me to wish for death?
Praise be to Allaah. Your state is like that described by the poet:“If death were for sale I would buy it.This life is something in which there is nothing good.” This is wrong. It is not permissible for the believer to wish for death. If he has to say something, then let him ... Continue Reading

The virtues of Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer

I would like to know some of the ahaadith which speak of the virtues of Jumu'ah prayer.

Praise be to Allah.  Many ahaadith have been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which explain the virtues of Jumu'ah prayer. For example: 1. Muslim [233] narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah ... Continue Reading

Being reckless with regard to zina on the grounds that the Muslim who commits sin will never stay in Hell for eternity

What is your response to the one who says that so long as the Muslim has an atom’s weight of faith in his heart, he will enter Paradise even if he commits zina during his lifetime? 
What do you say to the wife who betrays her husband by committing the immoral act of zina for the sake of sexual pleasure?.

Praise be to Allaah.The belief of Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah is that those who commit major sins are subject to the will of Allah. If Allah wills, He will punish them, and if He wills, He will forgive them, and if they are punished, they will not remain in Hell forever. This is what is ... Continue Reading

Why do the Muslims not celebrate the birthday of ‘Eesa (Jesus-peace be upon him) as they celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)?

If the Muslims celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), why do they not celebrate the birthday of the Prophet of Allah ‘Eesa (peace be upon him)? Is he not a Prophet who was sent from Allah, may He be glorified and exalted? I heard this idea from someone, and I know that Christmas and the celebration thereof is haraam, but I want an answer to this question. May Allah reward you with good.

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: Believing in ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) as a Prophet and Messenger who was sent by Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, to the Children of Israel is part of believing in Allah and His Messengers. No one's faith is valid unless he believes in all of the ... Continue Reading

Ruling on having a Christmas tree without celebrating Christmas

I don't celebrate Christmas in any way, but my 11 year old daughter loves the beauty of a Christmas tree when decorated. Is it permissible for me to have one in my house throughout the year?

Praise be to Allah. The Christmas tree is one of the symbols of the Christian festival and celebration; this is why it is named for Christmas. It is said that it was first officially used as a symbol in this manner in the sixteenth century in Germany, in the Cathedral of Strasbourg in 1539 ... Continue Reading

A Jewish Woman Thinking About Embracing Islam

I have very difficult question and I think this is my only hope that you can help me to find the answer.
I am a Russian Jewish girl and I know this Muslim guy for over a year. The longer we know each other, the more problems and difficulties we face. Not in the religious or cultural ways. We love each other and there is an issue of whether he can marry me or not.
He is a very good Muslim and he comes from traditional family. I am very fond of his beliefs and beliefs of his family. I was born in a very agnostic country and couldn't be properly introduced into any religion. It was forbidden. When I came to the US I started my research on different religions and found out that my beliefs do not really match all Jewish sayings. I did a lot of research on Islam and by looking at him and a couple other Muslim boys and girls, and by reading Quaran, I have a very strong feeling that I could become a good Muslim. I want to go to school to learn the culture and religion more precisely, to learn the language. I contacted the mosque and was ready to go... but I faced the issue: would I be accepted as a Muslim sister like other people who came from different religions except Jewish? Jews and Muslims are in big contradictions and I know that friendship is almost impossible. I am praying to God (in my home language - Russian), to lead me the right way to achieve my beliefs.
Please, help me to find my answers

Praise be to Allaah. “I have a very strong feeling that I could become a good Muslim”. The way you express yourself so clearly in your message indicates that you are indeed open to the truth and have been sincerely seeking for it. “I am praying to God (in my home ... Continue Reading

A Christian Asking About Repentance


If a man decides after a life of sinfulness to come to God and promise to reform his life, I understand that Islam says that he will be forgiven and therefore inherit the promises etc.
My question though is what has happened to the weight of this man's sin, as in sinning he has offended God and therefore this sin has to be atoned for; who is going to atone for his sin, if God is just going to forgive him on the promise of his being good and faithful? Surely as we saw with Adam there has to be a consequence for sin...


 Praise be to Allaah.  Praise be to Allaah Who has guided us to Islam, for we would not have been guided had He not guided us. First of all, we thank you for your question, and we ask Allaah to bless you with guidance.Allaah has created us for a great purpose, which is to ... Continue Reading

Differences between semen (maniy) and urethral fluid (madhiy)

Some times when i wake up in the morning, i find some wet coming out. Please don't take it as a wet dream, or urine, becuase the sticky stuff comes out usually just after i have woken up in the morning. Most of the days i have to wash my under wear just becasue of that, and sometimes i wash my pants too.

I read it somewhere that if its not semen, just that sticky stuff than we don't need to perform ghusl, and only wuzu is enough to offer prayers. If it is then what about the clothes?. The same stuff comes out during some salacious situations also, though i try to stay away from all that kind of stuff.

The first difference: qualitiesSemen in the case of men is a thick, white liquid, and in the case of women it is thin and yellow. (Translator’s note: the word maniy is used to refer to the fluid secreted by either male or female at the time of orgasm).The source for these descriptions of ... Continue Reading

Is it acceptable to use tissue only when cleaning oneself after defecating?

Is it sufficient to use tissue only when cleaning oneself after defecating, or is it essential to use water?.


Praise be to Allaah.After relieving oneself, it is obligatory to remove whatever najaasah (impurity) there is in that place, whether it is removed with water or something else, such as stones or paper or tissues, but using water is best.The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were ... Continue Reading

He lives in a city where there are no other Muslims; how should he pray Jumu‘ah?

I live in a city where there are no other Muslims and no Mosques. I need to peform my friday Jumuah, unfortunately I am not knowledgeable enough to peform the prayer myself, may I use a audio recording to lead me? Also may I use earphones since I don't want to disturb those in the next room and it blocks out distracting noises. I'm studying so that I may peform my own prayers confidently, in the meantime may I use these measures?.

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  In order to establish Jumu‘ah prayer it is sufficient for there to be three men who are residents. Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:  The most correct scholarly opinion is that the number that is sufficient for ... Continue Reading

The authors of the Six Books

Who are the authors of the Six Books, and are there any da’eef (weak) ahaadeeth in their books?
Praise be to Allaah.  The authors of the Six Books are:  1-     Imam al-Bukhaari 2-     Imam Muslim 3-     Imam Abu Dawood 4-     Imam al-Tirmidhi 5-     Imam al-Nasaa’i ... Continue Reading
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2 Rabi' al-thani 1446
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