He said to his wife, “I am sorry that I am a Muslim”; has he apostatised by doing that and what is the ruling on his marriage?

I am a muslim by birth and I recently got married to a girl who had reverted to Islam. i am from india and many muslims here are very backward in their practices etc.. She was continously asking me questions about my relatives and why muslims are so backward etc.. I lost my temper and I am ashamed to say that in my anger I told her that I was sorry that I was a muslim. I immediately realised my mistake but I said what I said. I am terribly ashamed of myself for saying such a thing. Does this make me a apostate (kafir). I am a muslim and i truly believe in islam in all its glory. I am ashamed and sorry for what I said. Am i a kafir. Do i have to say the shahadah again? Is my nikah nullified as she is still a muslim. Do i have to do the nikah again. Please answer at the earliest. I am really sorry for beingsuch a bad muslim.

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  The Muslims are not backward; rather the one who is backward is the one who worships idols, cows and rats. The one who is backward is the one who does not worship Allah, the One, the Almighty, and worships his own whims and desires, thus turning from a ... Continue Reading

Will a person be brought to account for whatever crosses his mind of good or evil?

Sometimes a person suffers from thinking of some sin, and other thoughts that come from the whispers of the Shaytaan and the nafs. Will he be requited for whatever crosses his mind, and will it be written in his record, whether it is good or bad?

Praise be to Allah. Al-Bukhaari (6491) and Muslim (131) narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, relating from his Lord, may He be glorified and exalted: “Allah decreed good deeds and bad deeds, ... Continue Reading

She is going to go to Jeddah and she does not have any firm intention to do ‘umrah; from where should she enter ihram if she does decide to do ‘umrah?

I am currently living in Canada for the purpose of study, but my permanent place of residence is between Jeddah and Amman. When I stayed in Amman during the summer break, I decided to go to Jeddah to deal with some official papers, and I intended to do ‘umrah if Allah made that possible for me and if I had a mahram and enough time to do ‘umrah. I intended to do ‘umrah from Jeddah because my mahram would be there. But because I was not certain that I would be able to do ‘umrah, on the day I travelled by plane I did not do ghusl, because I was menstruating and I had not yet decided to do ‘umrah. When I got there on the second day I did ghusl and formed the intention to do ‘umrah from Jeddah, and I did it.
My questions are:
Is my ihram from the miqaat of Jeddah considered valid or not?  Because of my family circumstances, we are always moving back and forth between Jeddah and Amman, and we always enter ihram from our house in Jeddah, even if we are on our way back from a trip to Amman and after staying in Jeddah for several days. We do not remember how many times we have done ‘umrah in this manner.
What is required of us if we should have entered ihram from the miqaat for the people of ash-Shaam (Greater Syria)? After I did ‘umrah I was uncertain as to whether I was completely clean following my period. If I think it most likely that I was still menstruating whilst I was doing ‘umrah, what is the ruling on my ‘umrah and what expiation do I have to offer?.

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  If a person passes the miqaat intending to do Hajj or ‘umrah, it is not permissible for him to pass it without entering ihram, because of the report narrated by Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah ... Continue Reading

Ruling on learning recitation and tajweed of Qur’an by means of an electronic pen

There is a Quran out which is called "Quran pen reader 9" which helps you better your tajweed and you can listen to different reciters and when you press the Quran with the pen they give it says it out loud the verse you have pressed and you can pick different reciters so you can remember it and correct your tajweed and the Quran it self has interactive buttons on the side like e.g tafsir of the ayah ,which qari you want to chose ,change the level of volume and pick which language you want etc
I wanted to know do I still read this Quran like a normal Quran and will I get the same reward of reading this then a normal one were this one helps me correct my mistakes and makes me understand the Quran more and it is the full Quran with just it being interactive and I was thinking will this be a sort of bidah? But theres more benefit in this as I have mensioned everything this does for the improvement of understand and correct my tajweed and knowledge in the Quran ?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  There is no kind of bid‘ah (innovation) in the program mentioned, in sha Allah, because this is a new educational means in which there is nothing contrary to Islam, that helps one learn how to read Qur’an correctly and helps one to memorise ... Continue Reading

He did ghusl with the intention of doing it for Jumu‘ah and he forgot about doing it for janaabah; did it remove his impurity?

There is a person who was in a state of janaabah and he wanted to do ghusl for janaabah, but he said: I shall wait until the time for Jumu‘ah comes, then I will do one ghusl for both Jumu‘ah and janaabah. That was after Fajr prayer. But when the time for Jumu‘ah came, he did ghusl for Jumu‘ah and forgot to intend to do ghusl for janaabah. Then he prayed for an entire day, until Zuhr on Saturday, and he led the people in praying Zuhr. Then after Zuhr he remembered. Was his prayer and the prayer of the people valid? Should he tell the people about that?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:  It is better for the one who is in a state of janaabah to hasten to do ghusl lest he forget. This has been discussed previously in the answer to question no. 20847 Secondly:  If a person does ghusl for Jumu‘ah and forgets about being ... Continue Reading

Food distributed on Mawlid

Is it permissible to eat food that is distributed on the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? Some people quote as evidence the idea that because Abu Lahb set free a slave woman on the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), Allaah reduced the torment for him on that day.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: There is no festival in Islamic sharee’ah that is called “The Prophet’s Birthday”. Neither the Sahaabah nor the Taabi’een nor the four imams nor anyone else recognized such a day as part of their religion. Rather this festival was ... Continue Reading

Gaining benefits by deceptive means

I live and work in UK. In order to get extra welfare benefits to help pay my rent and local council taxes (on top of national taxes) I am showing less income (earnings). By doing so I get extra money which helps pay various bills and I save some as well. Is this permissible? Is this income Haram? Is the whole amount of benefit I get Haram or parts?

  Bukhari reported that Anas (Radiya Allahu Anhu) said: 'A Jewish girl brought a poisoned lamb to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and he ate from it'. However, cheating and making use of deceptive methods to gain this benefit, by providing the department of this ... Continue Reading

Sincerity and its benefits

What is sincerity, and what are the benefits of sincerity?

  Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. Sincerity means: "Aiming when performing anything to please Allah, i.e. everything one does is for the Sake of Allah, Who has no ... Continue Reading

Delaying Hajj for no reason

What is the ruling on one who delays Hajj for no reason when he has the means and is able to do it?

Praise be to Allaah and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah. Whoever is able to do Hajj and does not do the obligatory Hajj, delaying it for no reason, has committed a great evil and a major sin. What he has to do is to repent to Allaah from that and hasten to do Hajj, because ... Continue Reading

Who do Muslims worship?

Who do Muslims worship?
Praise be to Allaah Before answering, we would like to express our appreciation for your interest, at such a young age, in the religion of Islam. May Allaah open the door for you to find much blessing through your asking this question, and decree for you guidance such as you have never thought of. ... Continue Reading

‘Umrah is mustahabb at any time in Ramadaan

Is ‘Umrah mustahabb during the last ten days of Ramadaan?.
Praise be to Allaah.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged us to perform ‘Umrah in the month of Ramadaan. Al-Bukhaari (1782) and Muslim (1256) narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ... Continue Reading

A Christian is asking why God created mankind

According to the Qur'aan and/or Islamic traditions, why did God create mankind?
Praise be to Allaah. Allaah created the jinn and mankind to worship Him alone, to obey His commands and heed His prohibitions. Allaah says [in the Qur’aan] (interpretation of the meaning):“And I (Allaah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me ... Continue Reading
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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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