Mother and child's rights over each other


I have a few questions concerning parents
1-What right does my Mother have over me?
2-What right do I have over my mother?


Praise be to Allaah.1 – The mother’s rights over her childThe mother has many major rights over her child. These rights are innumerable, but we may mention the following:(a) Love and respect, as much as possible, because she is the most deserving of people of her son’s good ... Continue Reading

The ideal way to send blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)

I am one of those who send blessings upon the Prophet between 50 and 100 times a day, according to circumstances. I say: “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad (O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad).” There are some people who tell me that my sending blessings upon the Messenger of Allah is lacking. Can you tell us – may Allah reward you with good – what is the ideal way to send blessings upon the master of mankind, and is the way I am doing it really lacking?

Praise be to Allah.Sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is one of the greatest acts of worship encouraged in Islam, and it is one of the most beneficial supplications for a person in this world and the hereafter, and it is one of the requirements of loving, ... Continue Reading

What are the parts which should be washed when doing istinjaa’?

This is quite an embarrassing question which I am finding difficult to ask anyone. Please could you tell me exactly which parts are you supposed to wash when doing istinjaa? Is it sufficient to just wash the orifices or should one wash the whole penis and the areas where one has pubic hair in this region?

Praise be to Allaah. Istinjaa’ is obligatory; this means removing whatever has been passed from the front or back passages with water, stones, or anything else that is pure and will remove the impurity (najaasah), such as pebbles or coarse tissue paper, or clean pieces of paper on which ... Continue Reading

Attitude towards fitnah

I have heard that there is a certain attitude that the Muslim should adopt if he faces a time of fitnah (tribulation). What is the attitude towards fitnah?.

Praise be to Allaah.There is a certain attitude which the Muslim should adopt towards fitnah to that this fitnah will not have a negative effect on him, and so that he will not have a negative effect on the Muslim community.This attitude includes the following: (a)- Deliberation, gentleness, ... Continue Reading

Description of how to do ghusl for major impurity

How is major ablution done? There are differences of opinion in a number of madhhabs, so who should I follow?
How did the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) to minor and major ablution?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:You do not have to follow a particular madhhab; rather you have to ask a scholar whom you trust, one who is famous among the people for his knowledge and virtue, then follow the religious rulings that he explains to you. It does not matter if there are differences ... Continue Reading

One should not exaggerate in cleaning oneself after relieving oneself

I have a serious problem when purifying myself from major impurity, because I purify myself with a little water, then I wipe myself sometimes 21 times and sometimes more than that, yet I still see traces, which makes me purify myself again with water. Hence I spend a long time in the washroom in order to cleanse myself, which has damanged my health. What is your opinion? Is there a specific number of times for wiping oneself in order to become pure?.

Praise be to Allaah.Firstly:The phrase major impurity applies to janaabah (impurity following sexual activity), menses and nifaas (postpartum bleeding). The way to purify oneself from that is: the woman should start by cleaning her private parts, then makes the water reach all parts of her body. ... Continue Reading

Virginity and bleeding

What should a husband do if he discovers on the wedding night that his wife is not a virgin because she did not bleed?

Sheikh Salman al-Oadah Failure to bleed on the first night is not a sign of loss of virginity, nor is it recognized as such in Islamic Law. There are numerous reasons why a woman might not bleed. A percentage of women do not bleed at all. Some women bleed ever so slightly that it avoids ... Continue Reading
Fatawa Since 2014-01-06

Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him)

We celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). On this day, we read a lot of salutations on him and engage in a lot of prayers to Allah. We try to show our love for our Prophet (peace be upon him). How come you say we cannot do it?

Answered by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî, former professor at al-Imâm University in Riyadh   Among the innovations that have become widespread in Muslim societies is the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (peace be upon him). This celebration is observed in ... Continue Reading

Delaying Hajj for no reason

What is the ruling on one who delays Hajj for no reason when he has the means and is able to do it?

Praise be to Allaah and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah. Whoever is able to do Hajj and does not do the obligatory Hajj, delaying it for no reason, has committed a great evil and a major sin. What he has to do is to repent to Allaah from that and hasten to do Hajj, because ... Continue Reading

Is there a Creator of this universe?

Do you think there is any evidence that the universe has been designed by an intelligent and powerful creator?
Praise be to Allaah.We thank you for your question, and would like to answer by quoting a number of aayaat (verses) from the Book of Allaah (the Qur’aan – the scripture of Islam), then you can think to yourself about the matter and if the truth becomes clear to you, you will have no ... Continue Reading

Narrating hadeeth with the meaning

I sometimes advise the others when they do a mistake clarifying the evidence from the authentic ahadeeth of the prophet . Sometimes I forget the exact text of the Hadeeth and mention its meaning only or a part of it. Is this permissible, or considered lying about what the prophet said? I may hesitate to advise fearing this, I fear also by doing this I mislead myself or others, May Allah protect us from misguidance. What do you advise me in such a situation?.
Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: Calling people to Allaah is one of the best and noblest of deeds before Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted. How could it be otherwise, when this is the role of the Prophets and Messengers whom Allaah chose from among His creation, and of those who inherited ... Continue Reading

The pillars, obligatory parts and Sunnahs of prayer

What are the Sunnahs of prayer?.
Praise be to Allaah.There are many Sunnahs of prayer, both words and actions. What is meant by Sunnahs is things other than the pillars (essential parts) and obligatory parts of the prayer. Some of the fuqaha’ stated that there are seventeen verbal Sunnahs in prayer, and fifty-five ... Continue Reading
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2 Muharram 1446
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