It is permissible to remove janaabah by means of tayammum when there is an excuse for that

Is it permissible to remove janaabah by means of tayammum?.

  Praise be to Allaah. If there is a reason for doing tayammum – such as non-availability of water, or being unable to use it because of sickness etc – then tayammum takes the place of wudoo’ and ghusl. So the person who is junub should do tayammum and pray, then ... Continue Reading

Delaying Hajj for no reason

What is the ruling on one who delays Hajj for no reason when he has the means and is able to do it?

Praise be to Allaah and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah. Whoever is able to do Hajj and does not do the obligatory Hajj, delaying it for no reason, has committed a great evil and a major sin. What he has to do is to repent to Allaah from that and hasten to do Hajj, because ... Continue Reading

Examples of good deeds we can do every day to increase our hasanaat

I hope you can give me some examples of good deeds that we can do every day to increase our hasanaat.

Praise be to Allah.  If Allah helps him to do righteous deeds, the Muslim can earn a great deal of reward. There are many different kinds of righteous deeds that can be done by rich and poor, old and young, male and female, depending on each person's circumstances, ambition ... Continue Reading

The importance of being truthful

What is the importance of being truthful, both in personal and business relationships, in Islam? Is lying ever considered and (acceptable) action?

Praise be to Allah.Being truthful means speaking the truth and also saying things that reflect reality.Being truthful is one of the necessities of a human society, one of the virtues of human behaviour, and brings great benefits, whilst lying is one of the major elements of corruption in human ... Continue Reading

Reading Qur'aan during menses

Is it permissible to read Qur'aan while a women is having mensus (periods)?

Praise be to Allah.This is one of the issues on which the scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, differed.The majority of fuqahaa' say that it is haraam for a woman to recite Qur'aan during her period, until she is taahir (pure) again. The only exceptions they make is in the case of dhikr ... Continue Reading

Definition and Ruling on Gheebah (Backbiting)

What is the definition of gheebah and what is the ruling on it?

Praise be to Allah.Gheebah (backbiting, gossip) means that a person mentions the faults of his Muslim brother in his absence, which he would not like if he heard about it, when there is no need to mention them.When I say "mentions the faults of his brother", this excludes cases when ... Continue Reading

He has repented from not praying or giving Zakah, does he have to make them up?

I am from a Muslim background, but I never used to offer the obligatory prayers and even when I tried to pray once, I did not do it right. In other words I did not prepare to do it in the proper manner. I ask Allah to forgive me. I heard that the one who does not pray is a disbeliever and is not a Muslim, but whoever offers the five daily prayers, or one or two of them and omits the rest, is regarded as a Muslim. Also, I did not pay zakah on my wealth, but for at least two years I have completed the fast of Ramadan, and I intend to continue doing so. I want to learn how to pray and make it part of my life, along with other acts of worship. 

Is it obligatory for me to pay zakah for all these many years (when I did not pay it), and to make up the days that I did not fast at the time when I was not praying? 

Please note that I have now reached the age of thirty-one years; perhaps you will understand that this may cause me a great deal of hardship; to ward off that hardship, can I start over? Will Allah forgive me if I do that?

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: We praise Allah for having blessed you with guidance and enabled you to repent sincerely from the state of shortcomings and negligence you had been in. We ask Allah to complete His blessing upon you and to make you steadfast in adhering to the straight ... Continue Reading

Is there a difference between the words Hadith and Sunnah?

I hope that you can clarify this topic for me in some detail: Are “hadith” and “Sunnah” synonymous, or is there a difference between them? I am asking this question because I read that some Orientalists and some Muslims who specialise in Islamic sciences do not regard these two words as different in meaning. Do you agree with that? I hope that you can explain to me in some detail.

 Praise be to Allah.The difference in terminology among scholars is one of the issues that is usually a difference in wording. That is because terminology results from a scholar choosing a particular word to refer to something; hence when differences occur, the difference is in wording but not ... Continue Reading

Should she end her relationship with some kaafir women or use the opportunity for da’wah?

I am a woman who corresponds with some European and American women via the internet. We have been exchanging gifts and discussing sewing ideas for two years. I have tried to talk to them about Islam, but I stopped for fear that I do not know enough to call them to Islam and I might make some mistakes. What do you advise me to do, should I cut off my ties with them altogether or should I carry on with the aim of calling them to Islam despite the difficulties? and how should I begin? Is this relationship regarded as friendship, and what is the Islamic ruling on it?

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: It is not permissible for a Muslim man or woman to take a male or female friend who is not a Muslim, because Allah has forbidden us to love the kuffaar or take them as close friends and companions, as He says: {لَا تَجِدُ قَوْمًۭا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ ... Continue Reading

How should a Muslim deal with his kaafir family?

A woman became Muslim and lives with her family who are not Muslims, and now they do not object to her being Muslim. She tried to call them to Islam by various means, but to no avail. How should she deal with them in their misguided state? Should she uphold ties with them or limit her relationship with them?.

Praise be to Allah.The one whom Allah has guided to Islam must hasten to convey this light to his family and relatives, because they are the first people whom he should call and to whom he should bring the light of Islam. If there are among them people who do not object to Islam, then this is a ... Continue Reading

Why do the Muslims not celebrate the birthday of ‘Eesa (Jesus-peace be upon him) as they celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)?

If the Muslims celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), why do they not celebrate the birthday of the Prophet of Allah ‘Eesa (peace be upon him)? Is he not a Prophet who was sent from Allah, may He be glorified and exalted? I heard this idea from someone, and I know that Christmas and the celebration thereof is haraam, but I want an answer to this question. May Allah reward you with good.

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: Believing in ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) as a Prophet and Messenger who was sent by Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, to the Children of Israel is part of believing in Allah and His Messengers. No one's faith is valid unless he believes in all of the ... Continue Reading

How can we prove to non-Muslims that Islam is a tolerant and easy religion?

How can we prove to non-Muslims that Islam is a tolerant and easy religion?

Praise be to Allaah.Islam is the religion of mercy and kindness, the religion of tolerance and ease. Allaah has not burdened this ummah (community, nation) with more than it can bear. Whatever good it does, it will be rewarded for it, and whatever evil it does, it will have to bear the burden of ... Continue Reading
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7 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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