The Merits of Islam

There are many religions.

Why do Muslims think that Islam is true. Is there any factual basis?

Praise be to Allah. This is a reasonable enough question for one who has not entered Islam, but one who believes in and practices this religion already knows the blessings which are his because of this religion. There are many reasons for this, which include the following:1- The Muslim ... Continue Reading

His wife is breastfeeding; should he delay Hajj until next year? aridzh

I intended to do Hajj this year, but my wife is breastfeeding, so I decided to delay Hajj until next year, in sha Allah. Please note that my financial situation is good, praise be to Allah. Do I have to do anything?

Praise be to Allah. If you have already done the obligatory Hajj, then you have the choice with regard to a voluntary Hajj between doing it this year or delaying it until next year, because of what you mentioned about being busy with your family or wanting to stay with them and so on. In that ... Continue Reading

How to do ghusl from janaabah

How does one do ghusl (full ablution) to cleans oneself of janaabah (impurity following sexual activity)?
Praise be to Allaah.  There are two kinds of ghusl from janaabah – sufficient and complete. Sufficient ghusl means that you rinse your mouth and nose, then you wash your entire body with water, even if that means plunging yourself into deep water in one go. Complete ghusl means ... Continue Reading

The difference between love and a haraam relationship

I am a 24 years old girl. I fell in love, no dates, no meetings involved, pure love to a pure religious person. He promised to marry me and asked me to wait for him as his circumstances are difficult. I do not remember that he called me more than once. I asked him not to call me; because I feel this is wrong, although I love him. I felt that our love started going in the direction, he agreed to this feeling, and respected my opinion. He just sends me E-mails every so often via internet, so that I know his news. We have been in this love relationship for one year. I know this person and his family, and they know us well as well. I love him for Allah’s sake and sure he loves me as well. The problem is that I started receiving proposals, about 8 so far. Every time I refuse because I promised to wait for him. Now I am confused, is what I am doing halal or haram? I pray, Alhamdulillah, all obligatory and optional prayers, and pray qiyaam in the night as well; I fear I lose my good deeds because of what I am doing. Is a pure chaste love haram? Is my love to him halal or haram?.

Praise be to Allaah. First of all I ask Allaah to guide you and grant you happiness, and I ask Him to increase the numbers of girls like you who are keen to maintain chastity and purity and adhere to the sacred limits of Allaah in their affairs, among the most important of which are emotional ... Continue Reading

Ruling on learning recitation and tajweed of Qur’an by means of an electronic pen

There is a Quran out which is called "Quran pen reader 9" which helps you better your tajweed and you can listen to different reciters and when you press the Quran with the pen they give it says it out loud the verse you have pressed and you can pick different reciters so you can remember it and correct your tajweed and the Quran it self has interactive buttons on the side like e.g tafsir of the ayah ,which qari you want to chose ,change the level of volume and pick which language you want etc
I wanted to know do I still read this Quran like a normal Quran and will I get the same reward of reading this then a normal one were this one helps me correct my mistakes and makes me understand the Quran more and it is the full Quran with just it being interactive and I was thinking will this be a sort of bidah? But theres more benefit in this as I have mensioned everything this does for the improvement of understand and correct my tajweed and knowledge in the Quran ?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  There is no kind of bid‘ah (innovation) in the program mentioned, in sha Allah, because this is a new educational means in which there is nothing contrary to Islam, that helps one learn how to read Qur’an correctly and helps one to memorise ... Continue Reading

Wishing for death because of intense distress

I have great problems in my work and in my social life. Is it permissible for me to wish for death?
Praise be to Allaah. Your state is like that described by the poet:“If death were for sale I would buy it.This life is something in which there is nothing good.” This is wrong. It is not permissible for the believer to wish for death. If he has to say something, then let him ... Continue Reading

There is nothing wrong with gathering to recite the Holy Qur'an

My friends and I get together one night a week to recite a few verses of the Book of Allah, so as to learn how to recite the Qur'an, then after that we talk about various things. But we heard that it is not permissible to gather to recite Qur'an and that is only permissible for the purpose of memorization. Is this true?

Praise be to Allah.There is nothing wrong with gathering to recite and study the Qur'an and to memorize it and to learn about Islam, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: «No people gather in one of the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah and ... Continue Reading

The importance of being truthful

What is the importance of being truthful, both in personal and business relationships, in Islam? Is lying ever considered and (acceptable) action?

Praise be to Allah.Being truthful means speaking the truth and also saying things that reflect reality.Being truthful is one of the necessities of a human society, one of the virtues of human behaviour, and brings great benefits, whilst lying is one of the major elements of corruption in human ... Continue Reading

Sometimes he feels too lazy to pray– what is the remedy?

I am a young Muslim man who believes in Allah and His Messengers and His Books, praise be to Allah. But sometimes I feel too lazy to pray. I am looking for a solution and a way to make me not be so lazy. Please note that this is what I want but the tricks of the Shaytaan are too strong.

Praise be to Allah.  If a person truly believes in Allah, His Messengers and His Books, and believes that prayer is obligatory and is the greatest pillar of Islam after the Shahaadatayn, we cannot imagine that he would neglect to pray or be careless in performing the prayers. Rather he would ... Continue Reading

Whoever does not believe that the kaafirs are kaafirs is himself a kaafir

Is it true that anyone who does not accept that kuffaar are kuffaar is a kaafir himself, even if he prays, believes in the Qur'aan, and the Prophet Muhammad? If so, what is the proof for this? Can a person insist on believing that Jews and Christians can be believers and go to heaven after being shown clear evidence against this, and still be considered a Muslim?

Praise be to Allah.Yes, this is correct. Whoever is not convinced that the person who disbelieves in the religion of Allah is a kaafir, does not believe what Allah has told us about their being kaafirs, and he does not believe that the religion of Islam abrogates all previous religions and that all ... Continue Reading

Who do Muslims worship?

Who do Muslims worship?

Praise be to Allaah Before answering, we would like to express our appreciation for your interest, at such a young age, in the religion of Islam. May Allaah open the door for you to find much blessing through your asking this question, and decree for you guidance such as you have never thought ... Continue Reading

Da’wah – calling others to Islam

How should we call people to Islam?

Praise be to Allaah.Allaah created man and caused him to dwell on this earth, but He did not forsake him. Rather He gave him what he needs of food, drink and clothing, and revealed to him throughout the ages a path to follow and be guided by. The interests and happiness of mankind at every time and ... Continue Reading
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26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446
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