Definition and Ruling on Gheebah (Backbiting)

What is the definition of gheebah and what is the ruling on it?

Praise be to Allah.Gheebah (backbiting, gossip) means that a person mentions the faults of his Muslim brother in his absence, which he would not like if he heard about it, when there is no need to mention them.When I say "mentions the faults of his brother", this excludes cases when ... Continue Reading

Sometimes he feels too lazy to pray– what is the remedy?

I am a young Muslim man who believes in Allah and His Messengers and His Books, praise be to Allah. But sometimes I feel too lazy to pray. I am looking for a solution and a way to make me not be so lazy. Please note that this is what I want but the tricks of the Shaytaan are too strong.

Praise be to Allah.  If a person truly believes in Allah, His Messengers and His Books, and believes that prayer is obligatory and is the greatest pillar of Islam after the Shahaadatayn, we cannot imagine that he would neglect to pray or be careless in performing the prayers. Rather he would ... Continue Reading

Ruling on imitating the kuffaar, and the meaning of the phrase, “What the Muslims think is good is good before Allah”

What is the Islamic ruling on the issue of imitating the kuffaar in their customs and dealings? What are the guidelines concerning that in Islamic sharee'ah? Is every imitation of the actions of the kuffaar regarded as a haraam kind of imitation, knowing that there are many things that the kaafirs do that are not haraam and are not condemned by sharee'ah, where the one who does them does not do them merely to imitate the kuffaar, but because he thinks those things are good, as Ibn Mas'ood (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "What the Muslims think is good is good before Allah"?  
Please advise us, may Allah honour you, and please give me a detailed answer and explain to me the guidelines on this matter.

Praise be to Allah.  Firstly: The Muslims have no need to imitate any of the other nations in matters of religious rituals and acts of worship, for Allah has perfected His religion and completed His Favour, and chosen for us Islam as our religion, as He says:  {ٱلْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ ... Continue Reading

How should we raise our children?

could you please advise us about how improve our manners, and raise our children to have good manners? As many of the scholars mentioned, they studied under their teachers for years to learn proper manners. I am very concerned because it seems that we are surrounded by bad examples and role models, and the standards of society are very low. I am a revert to Islam so I was not raised with good Islamic manners. I don't have the knowledge or training to be a very good role model. My childrens TV watching is very restricted, but they still interact with cousins and friends who pick up bad words and attitudes from TV. We also educate our children at home. But as much as we shelter them and instruct them, they seem to pick up some of the attitudes of the greater society. I am torn between whether I should continue trying to remain patient and remind them gently, or I should become more strict to enforce better behavior. We would really appreciate any advice that you could offer.

Praise be to Allah.We congratulate you for the blessing that has been bestowed upon you of guidance to Islam, and we ask Allah, may He be exalted, to make us and you steadfast in adhering to this religion until we meet Him when He is pleased with us. We also congratulate you for your keenness to ... Continue Reading

The saheeh Sunnah is wahy (Revelation) from Allah

Firstly: I apologize for asking such a question, and so that there will be no room for doubt about my intention I will say that I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and I am completely content with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as my Prophet.   

I am asking about the Sunnah, because there are many reports of a single hadith. For example, we may find in Saheeh al-Bukhaari a hadith that appears in a form different than that in which it appears in Saheeh Muslim. Why isn't the Sunnah like the Holy Qur'aan? What is the difference between the Sunnah and the Holy Qur'aan? Is the Sunnah part of the Wahy that was revealed to the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) or is it just his words and deeds? Is it one of the characteristics of Prophethood or what?

Praise be to Allah.Firstly:  It is essential that it be established in the mind and heart of every Muslim that the Sunnah; which is the words, deeds and approval that are attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), is one of the two parts of divine Revelation that ... Continue Reading

Whoever does not believe that the kaafirs are kaafirs is himself a kaafir

Is it true that anyone who does not accept that kuffaar are kuffaar is a kaafir himself, even if he prays, believes in the Qur'aan, and the Prophet Muhammad? If so, what is the proof for this? Can a person insist on believing that Jews and Christians can be believers and go to heaven after being shown clear evidence against this, and still be considered a Muslim?

Praise be to Allah.Yes, this is correct. Whoever is not convinced that the person who disbelieves in the religion of Allah is a kaafir, does not believe what Allah has told us about their being kaafirs, and he does not believe that the religion of Islam abrogates all previous religions and that all ... Continue Reading

Ruling on giving charity to non-Muslims

Is it permissible to give charity to non-Muslims if they are in urgent need? Will the person who gives such charity be rewarded?

Praise be to Allah.It is permissible to give charity to non-Muslims and this action will be rewarded, if they are in need of it, but they should not be given the obligatory charity, i.e. zakaat, unless they are those whose hearts are to be softened (i.e., they are close to embracing Islam). It is a ... Continue Reading

Accepting a gift from a kaafir on the day of his festival

My neighbour is an American Christian, and she and her family brought me a gift when it was Christmas. I could not refuse the gift, lest she be offended.  
Can I accept this gift, as the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) accepted gifts from kaafirs?

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: The basic principle is that it is permissible to accept gifts from kaafirs, so as to soften their hearts and make Islam attractive to them, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) accepted gifts from some of the kaafirs, such as the gift of ... Continue Reading

Evidence of the Existence of God, and the Wisdom Behind His Creation

A non-Muslim friend of mine asked how I could prove the existence of God and why He has given us life, and what its purpose is?
My answer did not satisfy him, please tell me what I should tell him?

Praise be to AllahMy dear Muslim brother, your efforts to call people to Allah and explain the reality of Allah's existence make us very happy. Finding out about Allah is in tune with the sound fitrah (natural inclinations of man) and with sound reasoning. How many there are who, once the truth ... Continue Reading

The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ), Al-Daabbah (the Beast) and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj (Gog and Magog)

Can you give us an idea about the Dajjaal, Al-Daabbah and Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj?

Praise be to Allaah.There follows a brief description from the Qur’aan and Saheeh Sunnah narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about these three major signs that will precede the Hour and will come at the end of time just before the Day of Resurrection.The ... Continue Reading

Meaning of laa ilaaha illa Allah Muhammadun rasool ullah

What is the meaning of the words “laa ilaahah illa allaah muhammadun rasool ullaah”?
Bearing witness “laa ilaahah illa allah” and that “muhammadun rasool ullaah” is the first pillar of the five pillars of Islam. And the meaning of “laa ilaahah illa allah” is that nothing worshipped is worthy of worship except Allah—it is simultaneously a ... Continue Reading

Sending blessings and peace upon the Prophets, and praying for Allah’s pleasure, mercy and safety for others


What is customary is for us to say “Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him (sall Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)” specifically for our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him); is it permissible to offer this supplication with this wording for other Prophets? Who are the only ones for whom the following phrases are to be used: may Allah be pleased with him (radiya Allahu ‘anhu), may Allah have mercy on him (rahimahu Allah), may Allah keep him safe (sallamahu Allah)? Is it permissible to offer supplication for a great scholar who strove all his life to call people to Allah and His Messenger, such as Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz and other, similar contemporary scholars, when they die, by saying “may Allah be pleased with him” or “peace be upon him”?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:Offering supplication by saying “Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him (sall Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)” is not only for our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him); rather it may be said for all the Prophets (blessings and ... Continue Reading
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2 Muharram 1446
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