Judge can nullify marriage in a case where the husband refuses to comply

If a woman wants a khul` separation because of her husband’s neglect and bad treatment, and he refuses to grant her request, can the judge force him to grant her a khul`?

Sheikh Hânî al-Jubayr, judge at the Jeddah Supreme Court A khul` separation takes place by agreement between the husband and the wife. However, if a woman’s life with her husband becomes unbearable for some reason and her husband refuses to divorce her willingly or accept a ... Continue Reading

Borrowing in dollars & paying off debt in another currency

I am a South African who used to study in the United States. When I was studying, I borrowed $6000 US from another South African. We are both back in South Africa now, and it is more convenient for both of us if I pay him back I South African rands. Is this allowed?

Answered by Sheikh `Abd al-Hakîm Balmahdî, professor at al-Imâm Islamic University, Riyadh   This question was confronted at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and His Companions, since they had two currency standards at the time: the golddinar and the silver ... Continue Reading

Keeping cats as pets

Al-Salâm `Alaykum. Can a Muslim keep a cat as a pet?

Al-Salâm `Alaykum wa Rahmah Allah wa Barakâtuh. It is permissible to keep a cat as a pet. The Prophet (peace be upon him) described cats in the following matter: “They are among those male and female creatures who live in our attendance.” [Sunan Abî ... Continue Reading

Did everyone on earth drown at the great Flood at the time of Nooh (peace be upon him)?

Did everyone on earth – apart from those who were with Nooh on board the ark – drown when Allah sent the flood? Can everyone who is on earth now be regarded as descendants of those who were on board the ark (ship)?


Praise be to Allah The clear text of the Qur’an indicates that everyone who was on earth drowned in the flood, and no humans or animals were saved except those whom Nooh took with him on board the ark.  Allah, may He be exalted, said (interpretation of the meaning): “And We ... Continue Reading

How did the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) earn his living?

I would like to know how the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) earned his living?

Praise be to Allah The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to eat from what he earned with his hands. When he was young, he worked as a shepherd. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) ... Continue Reading

Prayer whilst wearing tight clothing

Is it permissible for men and women to perform prayer while wearing tight clothes?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. Dear brother in Islam, thanks for contacting us, may Allah Almighty make our humble efforts come up to your expectation, Amen! In his response to the ... Continue Reading

They pray Jumu’ah in the workplace and do not go to the mosque

We are a group of employees of Saudi Aramco, working in the Italian city of Milan on a work mission that will take approximately one year. We offer some of the prayers in a room in the workplace that has been set up as a prayer-room for us. Some of the group decided to gather in this room for Friday prayer (Jumu’ah) where one of them will deliver the khutbah.

Their basis for doing this is that praying Jumu’ah in this room saves time instead of going to the mosques in and around Milan, and holding Jumu’ah prayers in this mosque will encourage some of us who are too lazy to go and pray Jumu’ah in the mosques of Milan. Some of us decided not to pray Jumu’ah in this prayer-room, because we are not sure whether doing so is permissible, as one of the mosques is only ten minutes away by car and another mosque is twenty minutes away, and a third mosque is half an hour away by car.

We are divided, some of us pray Jumu’ah in this prayer-room and some of us pray in the mosques in and around Milan. We hope that you can advise us of the ruling on praying in the office prayer-room.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:  If a traveller intends to stay in a place for more than four days, then he comes under the same ruling as a resident and he must offer the prayers in full from the moment he enters the city, and he must attend Jumu’ah prayer when the call for it ... Continue Reading

Ruling on watching TV

Is watching TV permitted in Islaam ? If so under what coditions ?
Praise be to Allaah. The issue of watching films is not free from numerous reservations from a shar’i point of view, such as uncovering ‘awraat, listening to music, spreading corrupt beliefs and calling for imitation of the kuffaar. Allaah has commanded us to lower our gaze, as He ... Continue Reading

Divorcing a woman during her menses

Is it permissible to issue a pronouncement of divorce on a woman during her menses? Is such a divorce valid?

Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî, former professor at al-Imâm University in Riyadh It is an act of disobedience and an unlawful innovation for a man to divorce a woman during her menses. Such an act is in direct contradiction to the Prophet’s teachings. The Prophet ... Continue Reading

Scholarly opinions concerning the date of the Prophet’s birth and death, and which is most likely to be correct

What are the dates of the birth and death of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)? I have seen many opinions concerning that; which is the correct opinion and what is the evidence in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah

Praise be to Allah Firstly:  The biographers and historians differed concerning the day and month of the birth of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). This is something for which there is good reason, as it was not known what status this newborn would achieve; his ... Continue Reading

His wife is breastfeeding; should he delay Hajj until next year? aridzh

I intended to do Hajj this year, but my wife is breastfeeding, so I decided to delay Hajj until next year, in sha Allah. Please note that my financial situation is good, praise be to Allah. Do I have to do anything?

Praise be to Allah. If you have already done the obligatory Hajj, then you have the choice with regard to a voluntary Hajj between doing it this year or delaying it until next year, because of what you mentioned about being busy with your family or wanting to stay with them and so on. In that ... Continue Reading

He came from Egypt to Jeddah for work during Hajj season, then he was given permission to do Hajj, so he entered ihram from Jeddah

I am from Egypt, and I went to Jeddah for work during Hajj season. After spending twenty days in Jeddah my work ended, and I was given permission to do Hajj, so I intended to do Hajj from that time, and I entered ihram for ‘Umrah from Jeddah, intending to do Hajj tamattu‘ (in which one enters ihram for ‘Umrah, exits ihram after ‘Umrah, then enters ihram again for Hajj on 8th Dhu’l-Hijjah). Is this correct, or do I have to go back to the miqaat of the people of Egypt?

Praise be to Allah. If a person wants to do Hajj or ‘Umrah, and he is outside the miqaat boundary, he has to enter ihram from the miqaat. However, if his place of residence is within the miqaat boundary, such as the people of Jedah, then he may enter ihram from his place of residence, ... Continue Reading
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3 Muharram 1446
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