Tag: pay
Since 2016-08-25

Why do Muslims pay zakat ?
Duration: 11:26Various Scholars
Since 2014-01-06
Borrowing in dollars & paying off debt in another currency
I am a South African who used to study in the United States. When I was studying, I borrowed $6000 US from another South African. We are both back in South Africa now, and it is more convenient for both of us if I pay him back I South African rands. Is this allowed?
Answered by Sheikh `Abd al-Hakîm Balmahdî, professor at al-Imâm Islamic University, Riyadh
This question was confronted at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and His Companions, since they had two currency standards at the time: the golddinar and the silver ... Continue Reading
Muhammad Al-Shareef
Since 2012-12-06
Basic Boo-Boo's some make when Paying Zakat Al-Fitr
I feel compelled to put this together because I’ve seen the following boo-boos happen for years. In sha Allah, you can help me spread the word by sharing this article with your community, friends and family.
What is Zakat ul-Fitr? Think “Iftar”, Zakat Ul-Fitr is the charity that ...