Category: Preachers & methods of Dawah
Declaring shahaadah and performing salaat for a new non-Arabic speaking Muslim
I have read the many pages of your web site that instructs a non-believer. I believe that there is only Allah (one God). Ibelieve that Muhammed is the seal of the prophets. History bears this out. My question is: How do I declare this (shahadah) if I do not speak arabic? How do I perform the five daily prayers (salah) without understanding arabic? Finally would I have to change my name?
Da’wah – calling others to Islam
How should we call people to Islam?
Which takes priority: calling non-Muslims to Islam or calling non-committed Muslims to become religiously committed?
I have a question regarding dawah. I am tring to convince my muslim brothers to do dawah to non muslims but hey said that we should fix the muslims first because muslims dont pray etc and so there argument was that is it better to halve a thousand workers in a company and improve them or to get a thousand more, So is dawah fard .