Category: Rulings concerning women
Reading Qur'aan during menses
Is it permissible to read Qur'aan while a women is having mensus (periods)?
Is it proven that the righteous wife will have a reward like that of one who fasts and prays qiyaam?
I once read a hadith in an islamic forum but the reference for the hadith was not mentioned. The hadith sounds beautiful but i'll love to confirm it's authenticity before i quote it to anyone. The hadith goes like this, the Prophet(saw) said, " When one of youdoes her best to be a good wife, The reward equals someone who is fasting all day and praying all night." I'll really appreciate your help.
Muslim woman’s hijaab in front of kaafir women
What are the things that a Muslim woman may uncover in front of a kaafir woman, such as a Buddhist woman for example? Is it true that she is not allowed to uncover her face?
Various Scholars
Hijaab is Ultimate Freedom
Various Scholars
Women in the light of world religions
Duration: 14:00
The Cover of Pride - Hijab - Women in Islam -Samir Abu Hamza
Duration: 36:50Various Scholars
Colorful clothing for women
Can you tell me the ruling on women wearing a red or yellow `abâyah? Does she have to wear black?
Various Scholars

Marriage Predators
Duration: 49:41Various Scholars
Men are the Protectors and Maintainers of Women

Women In The Light Of World Religions
Duration: 14:00A woman should not travel except with a mahram, even if it is a short trip
I know that a woman is not permitted to travel without a mahram with her. I would like to know what is meant by (traveling) exactly. Where should we start measuring the distance, from the beginning (a place in the desert), or from where?
My father has a farm on Misr-Ismailia way, and he likes us to visit him every so often, this farm is about 75 minutes maximum from home. Is this considered traveling?
Considering that there are many new cities, schools, companies, and farms along the way.