The Remedy for Excessive Love of Women

Love of women originates in the sexual instinct which is one of the basic constituents of the human being. It is the strongest of all instincts and the most dangerous if not contained within the unassailable stockade of the Sharî‘ah of Allâh which protects it, keeps it in check and directs it in a healthy direction for the well-being of Muslim society. ... more

The Varying Forms of Wrongful Backbiting

There are found amongst the people those that will backbite in accordance to his gathering and his companions and his associates. Whilst his knowing that the one being backbitten is free of what it is they say – or of some of what they say. However; he sees that if he were to ...
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The phenomenon of cheating

The phenomenon of cheating is widespread in society. What is the attitude of Islam towards this phenomenon? ... more


In this day and age mankind has become controlled by his emotions... ... more

Beloved Brother...Stop Before Backbiting

This is a concise paper about two dangerous afflictions that have been spread among a lot of Muslims. I have gathered it from the words of scholars. ... more

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