Category: Muslim Women's Issues

Men are the Protectors and Maintainers of Women

What does it mean that men are “protectors and maintainers” of women? ... more

Her parents are objecting to her marriage

I embraced Islam -praise be to Allah- and now I want to keep myself chaste, but my parents think that the most suitable age of marriage is not until twenty-five or preferably twenty-eight. Even worse than that, one of them thinks that there is nothing wrong with friendship and relationships outside of marriage - Allah forbid. The matter is extremely difficult and I do not know how to talk to them about this matter. I want to keep myself chaste; I want to marry a man who will help me to adhere to my religion, a man who will stand beside me and help me, a man who will live with me, because I am living far away from my parents. They are divorced and each one lives in a different city. I do not know how to explain these details to them in order to convince them that I should get married early; rather they think that getting married at an early age is something that is not appropriate. I am the only daughter of my parents, hence I do not want to disobey them and I do not want to upset them; I do not want them to forsake me either. I want at least to do the marriage contract, then delay consummation until Allah wills.

My questions are:

1. Is it permissible for me to do the marriage contract but delay marriage and the waleemah (wedding feast) and consummation for five years, for example?

2.  Do I have to repeat the marriage contract in front of my family later on and pretend that I was not married? Or is that regarded as coming under the heading of lying? I hope you can advise me because I do not know what to do.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: We congratulate you for embracing Islam and we ask Allah to make you steadfast in it and to guide your parents and your family to Islam, for He is the Most Generous. Secondly: If a woman becomes Muslim but her family do not, they do not have any ... Continue Reading

The Muslimah & Her Community

Wherever the Muslimah is, she should be a beacon of guidance and a positive source of correction and education, through both her words and deeds. ... more

The Hijab is Beautiful

It often occurs to me that many of my sisters in Islam are not properly encouraged once they begin to observe the requirements of Hijab. ... more

Girl Power Well Before the 21st Century

Picture this: a perceptive and intelligent woman, respected and generous, owning a business known for its integrity in all business transactions.

If you’re like most people, you probably conjured an image of a 21st century corporate type, but in fact, the woman I described is a ...
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The Danger of the Work of Women

Sayings and Confessions about the Danger of the Work of Women ... more

Some Misconceptions about Women in Islam

Islam gave women rights and privileges at a time when only barbaric manners and values dominated. ... more

A Woman Putting Her Picture on Facebook

It is a massive danger and a tremendous evil that a woman puts her picture on Facebook. ... more

I, my Cloak, and the Pediatrician

I entered the clinic of the pediatrician, holding my child in my hands, and wearing the cloak over my head. I seemed, in my humble appearance, to the doctor as a mother that does not have any medical culture or any knowledge of the state of her child or his condition ... more

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