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The last poem that has been composed by "Imam Shafie" may Allah bless his soul.

Duration: 6:31

Congregational dhikr

Can we perform dhikr congregationally and in unison? If yes, when, where, how, and at what time? If no, what about the numerous hadîth stating thet the Companions used to remember Allah in groups? [For instance: Riyâd as-Salihîn of Imam al-Nawawî (Arabic & English) under the topic "On Remembrance in Company" (chapter 246, page 661)]

Answered by Sheikh `Abd al-Rahmân al-Barrâk   When it comes to acts of worship, they have to be clearly and precisely established by the Qur’ân and Sunnah. Anything else is an anlawful innovation (bid`ah). The burden of proof, therefore, is upon the one claiming ... Continue Reading

Some General Guidelines for Performing Dhikr


The Salaf and commentators differed about what this verse refers to, some saying that it refers to the prayers, others that it refers to supplication and others that it refers to dhikr in general. However they all agreed....
1. Performing dhikr is an action of worship, as such it is ...
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