Category: Fiqh of Worship
Ismail Musa Menk (Mufti Menk)
Tying the Knot
It is highly important to highlight procedures taken to be fully committed to acts of worship and to fulfill acts of obedience.

Ismail Musa Menk (Mufti Menk)
The After Life – Are you Prepared?
This lesson will guide Muslim to prepare them to the most important event. After life is the true life.

Various Scholars
High Aspirations- Sajid Umar
This inspirational lecture spoke on the importance of aiming for the best in whatever we do, for being the best is a trait of the believer and excellence in all that we do is a minimum requirement. Sheikh Sajid advises towards being a person of substance and that we ‘aspire to inspire’ in all that we do.

Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Ruling on Participating in Non Muslim Religious Celebrations
Omar Suleiman
Personal Awakening Equals Ummah Awakening
The responsibility of every Muslim is so vital to contribute to success for the whole Ummah.

Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Rulings of Udhiah
Ismail Musa Menk (Mufti Menk)

How to be productive? - Mufti Menk
Duration: 2:17Various Scholars

The Day of Arafa
Duration: 5:29Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Virtues of the day of Arafaah
Various Scholars
Taking Off the Hijab
I understand that hijab is required, and I’ve been wearing it for some time now but I feel like putting it on might have been a mistake. I don’t feel like it’s made me become a better Muslim, and I feel almost like I’m deceiving people because they look at me as an example even though I’m still struggling with a lot of things. Also, if I take it off, is it really something Allah will punish me for? It seems like such a petty thing. Isn’t the most important thing having a clean heart?