Category: Fiqh of Worship
Various Scholars
Since 2019-08-28
Effect of the acts of worship on the Muslim's life
Worship is of great importance. Allah Almighty created the creation, sent the Messengers, and revealed the Books to enjoin people to worship Him and forbid worshiping other than Him. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2016-09-30
A Brief Introduction to Islam
This book includes the basic definition of and the fundamental pillars of Islam. This book is prepared by Islamic University of Madinah Munawarah in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ... more
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Since 2015-01-17
Muslim scholars have paid great attention to the deeds of the heart, authored many books on this topic, explained the
importance of this issue to people and encouraged them to be mindful of it and develop themselves in this field. This is
because the salvation of humankind (after the mercy of Allaah) is achieved through having a sound and sincere heart.
... more
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Since 2015-01-10
Rulings about I'tikaaf
The successful person takes advantage of the hours, days and months of these seasons of virtue by worshipping his Lord through various acts of worship. This is so that he may be included in Allaah's mercy and saved from the torment of Hellfire. Recognize rulings about I'tikaaf. ... more
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Since 2014-12-19
Ruling on Participating in Non Muslim Religious Celebrations
Some groups among the Ummah (Muslim nation) of Muhammad (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) are following the people of falsehood such as the Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, idol-worshipers and others. Read the book to discover how to adhere firmly to Islam, no matter how many people deviate from it. ... more
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Since 2014-09-29
Rulings of Udhiah
Udhiyah is one of the great rituals of Islaam, in which we remember the Unity of Allaah, His blessings upon us and the obedience of our father Ibraaheem, may Allaah exalt his mention, to his Lord. There is great goodness and many blessings in this act, so the Muslim must pay special attention to its great importance. ... more
Ibn Taymiyyah
Since 2014-04-07
Book of Faith
Book of Faith represents the first complete English translation of the important and well-known work Kitab Al-Iman, written by the renowned scholar Ibn Taymiyyah. The concept of Iman, faith, is fundamental to Islam. Iman has served to define the nature of Muslim life and the essence of the religion as a whole. ... more
Abdullah Ibn Jibreen
Since 2004-11-30
The Rulings of the Traveller
Fataawa concerning prayer, fasting, and other issues concerning the
traveler. ... more