The Pilgrim’s Provision

Hajj to the Sacred House of Allaah is one of the pillars of Islaam and one of its most important fu ndamentals, because the Prophet,(prayer and peace of Allah the Almighty be upon him), said:(Translation) “Islam is built on five [pillars]: the testimony that there is no god worthy of worship but Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, establishing regular prayer, paying Zakaah, fasting Ramadhaan and performing pilgrimage to the sacred House of Allaah.” ... more
Books Since 2015-04-16

Blasting The Foundations Of Atheism

Written by:AbulFeda‟Source: ... more

Dealing with Worries and Stress

Every one is exposed to worries and stress. However, Islam provides ways to avoid anxiety and worry. Enjoy this journey to deal perfectly with worry and stress. ... more


All praise is for Allah the Exalted Who is pleased with Islam as a religion for us. Contentment is a great action of the heart, and is one of the chief and most important actions of the heart. ... more

Islamic Principles for the Muslim's Attitude during Fitan

{ Fear the Fitna, which affects not only those of you who do wrong (but it may afflict everybody).}[Surah al-Anfal 8:25]- and in such testing situations, if a Muslim was to let loose his thoughts ... more

Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet

 Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet is the panacea for those in search of good health. Although it was written by the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, over six hundred and fifty years ago, it is extr ... more

Provisions for the Hereafter

Allah has sent the Messenger (S) with guidance and the Religion of Truth. Strict adherence to the guidance of His Prophet (S) is required from the followers of Islam. The scholars of the Islamic community have attached great importance to it and produced texts regarding the Acts of Worship, Dealings and Habits in the light of the Divine guidance. This book is one of the most famous works written on this subject. This book is one of the important resources of knowledge for those who seek to know the Seerah of their Prophet (PBUH) as well as, the Fiqh learned from it. This is a book that is unique in that it explains the Sunnah through the Seerah and the Seerah through the Sunnah. ... more

The Ruling Concerning Mawlid an-Nabawi

In this book, Shaikh Saleh al-Fawzan has enumerated several reasons behind the prohibition of celebrating the Mawlid, and explicitly clarified the major doubts raised up by the proponents of Mawlid. ... more

The Muslim Woman’s Dress

The Muslim Woman’s Dress according to the Qur’an and Sunnah compiled by Dr. Jamal A. Badawi To some as a subject the Muslim women’s dress may sound trivial. The shari’ah, however, assigns it moral, social, and legal dimensions. One basic requirement to be a true believer according to the Qur’an is to make one’s opinions, feelings, and inclinations subservient to whatever Allah and his Messenger decided. ... more


All perfect praise is due to Allah Who rose above the worlds in rank and essence; He overwhelmed His creation with His glory, might and power and commanded us to contemplate His verses and creation with our hearts and minds. Contemplation is the driving force to recognize the blessings of Allah. ... more
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2 Muharram 1446
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