Category: Aqeedah (Islamic Faith)

The Explanation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Belief (Bookmarked)

The Islamic Religion (Deen)The Pillars of IslamThe Fundamentals of Islamic CreedObjectives of Islamic Belief and Creed ... more

Are We Forced or Do We Have Free Will (Bookmarked)

Faith in the Divine DecreeThe four levels of faith in the Divine DecreeAllah's Will for the occurrence of Kufr despite His Hatred for itFour States of manThe sinner's justification by the Divi ... more

The Islamic Openings-Abdul 'Aziz Al-Shinnawy

A journey through history to discover the Islamic Openings and the great impact to spread the message of Islam. The book was written by Abdul 'Aziz Al-Shinnawy. ... more

Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Holy Quran

A precious resource for explanation of the last tenth of the Holy Quran followed by rulings that concern every Muslim. This book is a result of great efforts from group of Scholars and the whole book was supervised by Tafisr website. ... more

What is Islam

The motivation of this book is to publish a clear and concise material about Islam. It aims to construct a basic introduction to the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Islamic faith. ... more
Books Since 2016-11-16

The Explanation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Belief-Muhammad ibn Salih Al‐Uthaymeen

In this reference we will study fundamentals of Islamic belief. This book was written by an eminent Scholar, Sheikh Muhammad ibn Salih Al‐Uthaymeen (may Allah the Almighty bless him). ... more

A Brief Introduction to Islam

This book includes the basic definition of and the fundamental pillars of Islam. This book is prepared by Islamic University of Madinah Munawarah in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ... more

The Foundations of Faith in the Light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah

A great reference to every Muslim to understand and recognize foundations of Faith in Islam. ... more

The Man in the Red Underpants

Chapter 1: The Journey BeginsChapter 2: Unanswered QuestionsChapter 3: The Test of TeachingsChapter 4: The Test of UniversalityChapter 5: The Test of CharacterChapter 6: Amazing Level of InformationCh ... more

The Fourty Nawawi Ahaadeeth

The knowledge and study of Hadeeth is essential for a correct understanding of Islaam. The Qur'aan gives us principles, instructions and various laws of Islaam while the Prophetic narrations show us their interpretation and implementation as practiced by the Messenger of Allaah, (prayer and peace of Allah the Almighty be upon hom). There have been numerous religious scholars who compiled collections of Prophetic narrations on the basic rules of religion and on subsidiary matters. However, none of them are like the collection of 40 Ahaadeeth by Abu Zakariyya Muhyi Ad-Deen ibn Sharaf An-Nawawi, may Allaah have mercy onhim, who brought together Prophetic narrations which incorporate the greatest precepts of Islaam. ... more

Common Questions about Islam

PolygamyVeilSpread by SwordFundamentalistsNon-Veg. FoodAlcohol, PorkLife after DeathSectsKafirs ... more

The ways of Allah with His creation

This booklet considered to be a reference for people to discover Jihad and situation in Syria to be aware of needs and calamity in this crucial situation. ... more

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