Category: Soul Purification
Various Scholars
Since 2014-04-29
Dealing with Worries and Stress
It is the nature of this life that people will suffer from worries and stress, because this world is the place of disease, hardship and suffering. Hence among the things that distinguish Paradise from this world is the fact that there is no worry or stress there. ... more
Aa'id ibn abdullah Al-Qarni
Since 2014-04-29
Don't Be Sad (Bookmarked)
One of the best books of the scholar sheikh Aa'id Al-Qarni. Don't Be Sad is an important book for all. It is full of practical advice on how to repel despair and replace it with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern reader how Islam teaches us to deal with the tests and tribulations of this world. ... more
Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawzeyya
Since 2014-04-24
A Collection of Wise Sayings (Al-Fawaid)
A Collection of Wise Sayings (Al-Fawaid): is one of the well-known compilations of Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (may Allah have mercy upon him). This book consists of the elevated thoughts that Allah bestows upon some of His servants as He wills. So whenever any of these scattered pearls of wisdom occurred to the Imam, he would immediately record them. ... more