Category: Fiqh of Clothing, Adornment and Entertainment

The Ruling Concerning Mawlid an-Nabawi

In this book, Shaikh Saleh al-Fawzan has enumerated several reasons behind the prohibition of celebrating the Mawlid, and explicitly clarified the major doubts raised up by the proponents of Mawlid. ... more

The Muslim Woman’s Dress

The Muslim Woman’s Dress according to the Qur’an and Sunnah compiled by Dr. Jamal A. Badawi To some as a subject the Muslim women’s dress may sound trivial. The shari’ah, however, assigns it moral, social, and legal dimensions. One basic requirement to be a true believer according to the Qur’an is to make one’s opinions, feelings, and inclinations subservient to whatever Allah and his Messenger decided. ... more

The Requirements of the Jilbaab

The obligation of Jilbab and its description. ... more

The Beard

A discussion of the obligation of keeping a beard and a clarification of some common misconceptions. ... more

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