The fasting person has two occasions for joy

Abû Hurayrah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Allah says: 'Every deed of the child of Adam is for himself, except for fasting. It is for Me and I shall reward it.' Fasting is a shield, so if it is a day of fasting for any one of you, then he should engage in no obscenity or ... Continue Reading

By the time...Part 1

As the year has just started, reviewing our achievements during the year and the level of productivity, most of us will feel that they missed a few things and believed it could’ve been better if it had been planned well... ... more

The Five Secrets of a Productive Muslimah

Success is something that has been on my mind lately. One of the first questions that comes to mind is ‘what are the secrets to success?’ As Muslim women growing up in contemporary times, we all face challenges that make it hard to have that break-through to success. There are some important lessons I have learnt through observing many admirable leaders around me, particularly sisters who have excelled in their own roles as mothers, wives, professionals and even as all these plus more! ... more

Why were we Created?

Not just Muslims, but every single human being has to answer the most fundamental question at some point in his or her lifetime: "Why was I created? Why am I here? What am I doing in this world? Why did God create me?" These questions are questions which each and everyone of us reflects on at some point during their life. ... more

Parable of Spending in Allahs Cause: Tafsir Ibn Kathir

(261. The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is that of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower.) ... more

Gender Relations in Islam

Sheikh Alomgir Ali


Hysteria took over the media in recent weeks regarding the issue of gender segregation in public institutions in the UK. Such hysteria is not uncommon amongst the press these days as there seems to be a rise in sensationalist media reporting over issues which ...

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Reaching Excellence in Worship

The best form of worship is when the act is performed with Allah in mind from the beginning until the end. ... more

Whoever Resembles a People is One of Them

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "Whoever resembles a people is one of them." (Recorded by Abu Dawud) This is a very important principle in the Shariah. The famous scholar Ibn Taymiyyah once wrote that it is part of the goal of the shariah to distinguish those people who follow the straight path from all other people. ... more

Common Mistakes Made In The Way Men Dress: In And Outside Prayer

Here are some notes on the subject that were prepared from a book by Shaikh Mashoor Hasan Salmaan.

1. Praying in tight clothes so that they press over the private parts ('awrah)

Praying in tight fitting clothes is deemed Makrooh according to the Sharee'ah. It also harms the body and ...

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Style over Substance: How cool is that?

People who set out on the straight and narrow, choosing substance over style, seeking to please Allaah as opposed to pleasing people, may not find their popularity ratings soar—quite the opposite, in fact. Yet, they get strength in the certainty of their belief, that their reward is with Allaah in the Hereafter. ... more

The Story of Shuayb - Ibn Kathir

Ibn Kathir

Allah, the Almighty, revealed the story of Shu'ayb, peace be upon him:

"To the people of Madyan (Midian) (We sent) their brother Shu'ayb. He said: 'O my people! Worship Allah, you have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Verily! a clear proof (sign) from your Lord has come unto you; ...

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Muslim Women in History - Umm Al-Muqtadir-Billah

Umm Al-Muqtadir-Billah

She directed state affairs due to the incapacity of her son, the Abbasid caliph Al-Muqtadir-Billah, in the early fourth century Hijrah. In a public square in Baghdad, she set up a tribunal for the purpose of settling people's petitions and lawsuits one day a week. She ...

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26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446
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