Winter is the orchard of obedience

Ibn Rajab (may Allah mercy him) said: "Praying at the night of winter equals fasting at the day of summer." ... more

The Trinity Led Me to Islam

An Irish Dentist Embraces Islam

My name is Roger Hadden, and I am originally from Dungannon in Northern Ireland. I am a dentist currently working in England. I have lived in Northern Ireland and Scotland, and I am now based in England. I was raised as a Christian, and my parents are ...

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Rights of the Prophet (pbuh)

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-`Uthaymeen
Rights Basic to the Natural Human Consitution and Affirmed by Divine Laws
© 1994 The Daar of Islamic Heritage

Rights of the Prophet are the most important, after the rights of Allah. There is no human who has more rights than the Prophet. Allah ...

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Placement of the hands in prayer between Ahl al-Sunnah and others

Q: I am confused between the way a Sunni prays and the way a Shi'te prays. My father is a Shi'te and he has taught me to pray with my hands on my sides but I do not know what is the differnce. Why is there such difference between the two? Also, I would be very grateful if you tell me which form ...

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What are you waiting for?!!

Repentance gates are opened


Why Repentance?

All praise is due to Allah the Forgiver of sin, the Acceptor of repentance, the Severe in punishment. It is He Who opens the gates for those who seek His forgiveness, and it is He Who facilitates the reasons for those who seek repentance. ...

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Information about the Shi'ah

Q: We are in urgent need of information about the differences between the Sunnis and Shi'is. We hope that you can explain something about their beliefs?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The Shi'ah have many sects. Some of them are kaafirs who worship 'Ali and call upon him, and they worship Faatimah, ...

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Emily, Ex-Christian, New Zealand

Growing up in New Zealand, I was raised as a Christian however my parents were not overly religious. As a young girl I went to Sunday school every week and attended church with my grandmother and went to Christian classes as part of the school curriculum. As I got older I stopped going to ...

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The Story of Lot (part 2 of 2)

The Destruction of Sodom

Prophet Lot continued to suffer due to the wicked ways and unnatural behaviour of the people around him, yet he patiently continued to deliver his message. He called the people to give up their wicked ways and obey the One God, worshipping Him alone. However, the ...

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Four Principles for a Noble Character

It is not imagined that one can have noble character except if it is founded upon four pillars:

The First: Sabr (Patience)
The Second: 'Iffah (Chastity)
The Third: Shujaa'ah (Courage)
The Fourth: 'Adl (Justice)

Patience inspires him to be tolerant, control his anger, endure the harms that he ...

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Striving for Allah's Guidance

I was thinking about how rich in meaning Sûrah al-Fâtihah is. Take verse six, for instance, where we say "Guide us to the straight way.", {اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ}, Transliteration: Ahdinā Aş-Şirāţa Al-Mustaqīma.

Here we are offering a ...

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(1) The Prophet's Birth

After the birth of Muhammad, Amina sent someone to inform his grandfather. He came, looked at the baby lovingly and took him to the Ka’bah ... more

Haman And Ancient Egypt Monuments

The historical miracles of the Quarn. ... more
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3 Muharram 1446
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