Episode 12: A Spotlight on the Way to the Battle of Badr

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: The caravan of Quraysh with Abu Sufyan at its head escaped the prophet's grasp and reached As-Sham. They sold their commodities off and bought another. After that they set back to Mecca.

Sheikh Ali Paqees: The prophet awaited its return, inciting his companions to ...

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10 Things You May Not Have Known about the Prophet

We need to know more about the prophet in order to strengthen our love to him and better imitate him in our daily lives... ... more

The Disease of Kibr

The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said that no one who has even a mustard grain seed weight of kibr in his heart, no one who has this in his heart will enter Jannah. ... more

Anger, Lust and Forgetfulness; The Traps of Shaytan

Shaytan can persuade a person to come and use one of these three doors to make a person slip. It is like he is ambushing them. ... more

Memoirs from the Life of Imam Ahmad

And from the depths of the Ummah's men and women, Allah ta'ala - from His mercy to the Ummah of Muhammad - raised up warriors that would stand in the face of the most vicious of the enemies of the Sunnah. From those people that Allah ta'ala raised was a young boy named Ahmad. ... more

Quranic Reflections

Seeking knowledge must be accompanied by good manners and conduct, so that he remains safe, derives benefit and is saved from sin and its causes, and also from being burdened. ... more

Menstruating woman and Laylat al-Qadr

What can a woman who is menstruating do on Laylat al-Qadr? ... more

The Sunnah of Eid


1-   Wake up early.
2-   Prepare for personal cleanliness; take care of details of clothing, etc.
3-   Take a Ghusl (bath) after Fajr.
4-   Brush your teeth.
5-   Dress up, putting on best clothes available, whether new or cleaned old ones.
6-   Use ...
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How can we prepare for the arrival of Ramadan?

How can we prepare for Ramadan? What are the best deeds in this blessed month? ... more

Making use of cooking time in Ramadan

I want to know some words I can repeat during my daily duties such as when I am cooking or doing housework, because I do not want to miss out on the reward. ... more

Reaping the Benefits of Ramadan


Adapted from a lecture

In the month of Ramadan it is very important that we spent a few moments to understand some of the wisdoms and lessons that we can learn from this month of fasting.

Unfortunately, many Muslims come in ...
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Standing up against Homosexuality and LGBTs

Some absurdly argue that homosexual inclinations are inherited through one’s genetics. However ridiculous such a claim may be, even if accepted for the argument’s sake, it still does not justify the criminal act. Many scientists have argued a genetic basis for a disposition to commit crimes such as burglary, theft, and sexual abuse, yet the law rightly condemns and punishes these acts. Some scientists have claimed that it is programmed into men’s genetics to be unfaithful to their partners, yet society does not deem such behavior morally acceptable. My point is not to enter into a scientific discussion on genetics but to emphasize the inconsistency of such an argument. ... more
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20 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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