
The idea that music is a powerful medium to communicate values and social messages is merely an emotional and unscholarly view. ... more

Do not lie, even in a joke

True belief in Allah and the Day of Judgment implies that the person is truthful in his speech If he truly believes that Allah Hears and Sees everything he does and a Day will come when he will be accounted for his actions, then he will not lie. ... more

A Good Death

These are just some of the beautiful examples of a good ending from our predecessors, besides what we know from the good endings from companions. Such as the one whom upon hearing that Paradise was as wide as the heavens and the earth flung himself into the midst of the battle to attain it. ... more


1- Tawheed means singling out Allah in worship, that He becomes our ultimate goal and that everything we do should bring us closer to Him.

2- Love is the essence of worship, so worship is much more than rituals, it is a talent, and the best thing a human being could ever do.

3- The ...

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The Goals of Islamic Belief (Aqeedah)

A person's goals are the destination that he wishes to reach by taking certain actions. The Islamic 'Aqeedah (belief) has goals and values that are the destination of whoever preserves it... ... more

Belief in the Angels

The Angels are a matter of the unseen. They are created by Allah and they worship Him. They have no attributes that qualify them to be gods or lords. Allah created them from light, and He bestowed on them the bounty of obeying Him at all times... ... more




Returning to Allah Glorified and Exalted in repentance is one of the greatest beloved worships for Him. It is, in addition, one of the widest ways for His mercy, Paradise, bounty and His good Pleasure as it requires humiliation, submission, and humbleness ... more

Fast-Breaking Zakat

The following is a synopsis about the fast-breaking zakat. I ask Allah to benefit everyone from it and that He accepts their zakat and the rest of their deeds. ... more

Violations of women during fasting

These are some irregularitis, which women commit during fasting; they have been gathered from the books of scholars, we ask Allah Almighty that they will benefit their reader. It is the satisfaction of Allah that we aim at. ... more

A Message to Some Fathers

There is no doubt that every father wishes the success of his son in his school life. He always supplicates Allah for his success. He promises and arouses desires in him if he succeeds and threatens him if he fails in the exam. This is one of the natural innate feelings of human beings. ... more
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2 Muharram 1446
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