She is too young to get divorced

How difficult the divorce of the new bride whose hands are still dyed in henna is! What is more difficult is her return to her family without using most of her furniture and kitchenware which burdened her father with money and her mother with tiredness and efforts. ... more

The Man Behind the Armor

He defied the odds in an era of darkness, setting aside the criticism of those who called him crazy for defying the impossible: uniting the Ummah, standing up to the Crusaders, and returning honor where it belonged. ... more

Talāq out of Anger

My husband divorced me three times and after the third ṭalāq he told me that he got a fatwa from an imam that all three were invalid as they were given in anger. However, I doubt this as one of them was given without any anger. What shall I do now? ... more

Making Obligations Easy

This is the profound meaning of at-tawbah offered to everyone: sincerely returning to God after a slip, a mistake, a sin. God loves that sincere return to Him and He forgives and purifies. ... more

Oh father! This message is for you

Oh father! This is my message to you... where I express my sorrow and grief... my concerns and distress... ... more

Stances with a Fasting Muslim

This virtuous month has embraced you to bring you closer to Allah, and to realize the grace of Allah over you, that He has blessed you by being one of those who witnessed this noble month. And keep in mind that there are some who have been forbidden this ... more

Sincerity is the Pearl of the Hearts

O my brother: let's stop to cure the ill souls. Let's stop to reform the cruel hearts. Let's stop to refine the low intentions. ... more

This is for you: The joy of my eye

For you my son I am writing these words, which throb with compassion and advice? truth and sincerity... hoping that you will find the right path that would direct you to righteousness and shows you guidance. ... more

The Nullifiers of Faith

Believing in Allah is the most precious thing a believer owns, if he loses it then it is a manifest loss... ... more

The righteous forefathers & the congregational prayer

Among the merits of the righteous forefathers of this nation is their care for observing the prayer in congregation and emphasizing on that, besides warning against neglecting it. ... more

The Oasis of Happiness

Happiness has multiple sources. It has many gardens among which some are mentioned in this article. ... more
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26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446
Fajr 00:00 Dhuhr 00:00 Asr 00:00 Maghrib 00:00 Isha 00:00

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