Iman and Character

Our behavior and manners are supposed to be derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah. ... more

Truthfulness: Imam Al-Nawawi's Riyad-us-Saliheen

Allah, the Exalted, says: "O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and deeds)". (9:119) ... more

The Evil Of Craving For Wealth And Status

Craving after this world torments a person, he is preoccupied and does not attain joy or pleasure whilst amassing - since he is preoccupied. He does not find time - due to his love of this world – for the Hereafter, and is preoccupied with that which will perish and forgets that which will abide and remain. ... more

From the Rights of Tawheed

Translated by Abu Rumaysah

Tooba (one of the rewards of Jannah) for the one who desires to be just to himself for the sake of His Lord and recognises his ignorance, the great deficiency in his actions and his defects. Who recognises his transgression of His rights and his oppression in his ...

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Al Hamdulillah (All Praise and Thanks be to Allah) Ibn Kathir

The Meaning of Al-Hamd, The Difference between Praise and Thanks, The Statements of the Salaf about Al-Hamd & The Virtues of Al-Hamd. ... more

Raising Our Future Generations: (Part 2) Start At The Beginning

When intending marriage one needs to be extremely careful in selecting a suitable spouse. Not only is this person to be your life partner and soul mate, but he/she will be a parent to your child. ... more

Raising Our Future Generations: (Part 4) A Solid Foundation

I cannot emphasize enough how one needs to lead/teach by example. ... more

The Civilised Family System

If the family is the basis of the society, and the basis of the family is the division of labour between husband and wife, and the upbringing of children is the most important function of the family, then such a society is indeed civilised. ... more

Is Your Home an Islamic Home?

This may seem like an unusual question and your automatic response may be “Why, of course my home is an Islāmic Home!! My family is Muslim and that makes our home a Muslim one!!” Go through this short checklist to determine if your response should really be in the affirmative. ... more

May Allahs Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him

In his life, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) knew the utmost strength and the most debilitating weakness, he knew the limits of happiness and grief. Yet, under all circumstances, he remained the best role-model. He was always constant in his devotion to his Lord. ... more

Women in the Quran and Women in the Bible

Sultana Yusufali

"And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey Allah and His messenger. As for these, Allah will have mercy on them. Lo! Allah is ...

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Muslim Women in History - Ash-Shifa bint 'Abdullah al-Qurashiyyah al-Adawiyah

Ash-Shifa bint 'Abdullah al-Qurashiyyah al-Adawiyah

The Companion Ash-Shifa bint 'Abdullah al-Qurashiyyah al-Adawiyyah was one of the wise women of her time. Literate in an illiterate age, she was skilled in medicine, involved in public administration, and had a strong presence in early ...

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26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446
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