The scientific miracle of (the spider) chapter

Allah the Almighty says: {...وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنكَبُوتِ ۖ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ}

Translation: {…And indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew} [Surat ...

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A Unique Journey

{Limitless in His glory is He Who transported His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque [in Makkah] to Al-Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem]-the environs of which We have blessed-so that We might show him some of Our signs. Indeed He alone is the One Who hears all and sees all} [Al-Israa’:1]. ... more

What Drives People to Convert to Islam?

People are converting to Islam, why? ... more

Improper dress for women and intermingling between sexes

The correct dress and covering for women and the prohibition of them intermixing with men are the two most important interconnected preventative measures that Islam has laid out. ... more

The Five Secrets of a Productive Muslimah

Success is something that has been on my mind lately. One of the first questions that comes to mind is ‘what are the secrets to success?’ As Muslim women growing up in contemporary times, we all face challenges that make it hard to have that break-through to success. There are some important lessons I have learnt through observing many admirable leaders around me, particularly sisters who have excelled in their own roles as mothers, wives, professionals and even as all these plus more! ... more

Why were we Created?

Not just Muslims, but every single human being has to answer the most fundamental question at some point in his or her lifetime: "Why was I created? Why am I here? What am I doing in this world? Why did God create me?" These questions are questions which each and everyone of us reflects on at some point during their life. ... more

Bring your Friends Closer to Allah

Islam was never meant to be an individualistic faith, reserved for the "chosen few". Muslims have a duty to spread the Deen; and practicing Muslim youth, whether beginners, activists or leaders, have a crucial role to play. ... more

Whoever Resembles a People is One of Them

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "Whoever resembles a people is one of them." (Recorded by Abu Dawud) This is a very important principle in the Shariah. The famous scholar Ibn Taymiyyah once wrote that it is part of the goal of the shariah to distinguish those people who follow the straight path from all other people. ... more

Top Ten Excuses Of Muslim Women Who Don't Wear Hijaab

By Huwayda Isma'eel

(Rendered into English from Al-Bayaan Magazine)

Get on the train of repentance my sister, before it passes by your station. Deeply consider my sister, what is happening today before tomorrow comes. Think, my sister - starting now.

All praise is due to Allah ta'aala ...

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The Day We Lost Our Masjid

Dear brother and sister, I would like to introduce you to our friend, the Masjid. ... more

The Delight of the Heart

The Book of Allah to mankind's guidance, is like the soul in relation to the body. Therefore, he who abandons its recitation and does not act in accordance to its laws is in a state of spiritual death. ... more
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1 Muharram 1446
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