Dar Al-Islam And Dar Al-Harb: Its Definition and Significance

by :Ahmed Khalil


In his book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Samuel Huntington says:

People are always tempted to divide people into us and them, the in-group and the other, our civilization and those barbarians. Scholars have analyzed the world ...
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The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan - Don't Miss!

Prophet Muhammad would wake up his wives to pray for a much longer portion of the night... ... more

The greatness of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him

How great is the Prophet, may infinite peace and blessings be upon him? Every second, the name “Muhammad” is uttered somewhere in the world. As the light of the sun moves across the globe, the call to prayer is announced in every city, testifying to the Oneness of Allah, and Muhammad as His final messenger. Sermons, for Friday prayers, Eid prayers, or marriage are not considered lawful unless the name of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is taken. ... more

Haman And Ancient Egypt Monuments

The historical miracles of the Quarn. ... more

Tolerance in Islam


When defining one of its important aspects, Islam, it means complete submission to Allah by choice and conviction, not through seduction or compulsion. Islam accommodates and welcomes all people as brothers and sisters regardless of their distinctive/particular affiliations or backgrounds. ...

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This is Our Aqeedah

Hamad ar-Rayyis


All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists, and in Him we seek help. And may Allah send blessings and peace upon the Last of the Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions and whoever follows his guidance ...

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Secularism and its dangers -I

Allaah, the Most Exalted, sent down The Book (the Noble Quran) to clarify all things and to give Guidance and Mercy to people who believe.

He sent His Messenger, Muhammad with guidance and the true religion with which He opened blinded eyes, deaf ears, and sealed hearts. With it, He eliminated ...

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The Story of Adam (part 1 of 5)

The Story of Adam (part 1 of 5): The First Man

Islam provides us with the astonishing details of the creation of Adam[1]. Both Christian and Jewish traditions are remarkably similar yet importantly different to the Quran. The Book of Genesis describes Adam as being made from "the dust of the ...
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Gathering on New Year's Eve to remember Allah!

Is it permissible for us to gather on New Year's Eve to remember Allah, offer supplication (du'aa') and read Qur'aan?

This is a message that I have seen a lot on the Internet, but in fact I have not sent it to anyone because I am not sure if it is an innovation (bid'ah) or not. Is it ...

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The Story of Adam (part 2 of 5)

The Story of Adam (part 2 of 5): The Creation of Eve and the Role of Satan

Adam opened his eyes and looked into the beautiful face of a woman gazing down at him. Adam was surprised and asked the woman why she had been created. She revealed that she was to ease his loneliness and bring ...
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Hardening of the Heart

The Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him informed us in a very famous tradition, commonly quoted with reference to halal and haram, about the importance of the heart. He said:
«There is in the body a clump of flesh - if it becomes good, the whole body becomes good and if it becomes bad, the ...

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Positive and Negative C's of Islamic Parenting

One of the greatest challenges a Muslim will ever face is being a parent. This is one challenge, however, many of us are least prepared for. ... more
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23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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