Faith has a Language

By Muhammad Al-Shareef

While attending a month long Dawah course when I was a teenager, one of our Islamic studies instructors, Dr. Mahmood Ghaazi, from Islamabad, Pakistan, told us about an official trip he had taken to the Vatican. His delegation met with a group of high priests. Dr. Ghazi ... Continue Reading

Beyond Ramadan & Ar-Rayyan

Some easy Sunnah fasts that we can keep beyond the month of Ramadhan so that we can, inshaaAllah, be of those who enter Jannah through the gate of ar-Rayan ... more

The Merits of Islam

By Sh. Muhammad Saleh al-Munajjid

There are many religions so why do Muslims think that Islam is true? Is there any factual basis?

This is a reasonable enough question for one who has not entered Islam, but one who believes in and practices this religion already knows the blessings which ... Continue Reading

Ayyub: An Example of Faith and Patience

The story of Ayyub (Job) gives consolation to all those who are ill or deprived of wealth or children.

The angels were discussing the conditions of mankind, their obedience and disobedience. One of them said that Ayyub was the best man on earth. He was an obedient believer, always praying ... Continue Reading

Who is Valentine's Day for?

By Khaled ibn Abdul-Rahman Al-Shayi'

People naturally like occasions of happiness and pleasure, whether private or public, including eids (feasts or days of celebration). For the sake of this inclination, the Shari'a came with the legitimacy of the Fitr and Adha Eids: Two valid eids in ...

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Fajr Prayer

       The fajr (dawn) prayer is amongst the most important acts of worship, being one of the five obligatory prayers. Unfortunately many of us have become so used to missing it at its prescribed time - which ends at sunrise - that we have forgotten its position in our religion, and barely ... Continue Reading


           The words that are spoken when one becomes a Muslim, are few but so significant. With the utterance of these words, a person acknowledges Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of all, and the messengership of His Prophet (peace be upon him). With these words, which come from the heart, ... Continue Reading

Why Muslims Believe that Islam is the truth

Many Christians & Jews don't know that Muslims believe in their prophets and holy books. Muslims believe that the Bible and the Torah were changed by people for their personal benefits. This is why God sent Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, not with a new religion, but to correct the people ...

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Contributed by : Fareheen Chowdhury, Canada

Every time I close my eyes,
I can not leave what I see.
All I see is the son, who dies,
And the world that lets it be.


I see a father holding on,
I cannot feel his fear,
I see the blast from the gun,
As Allah saw their tears.


I ...

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Muslims Contribution To Science

Lost of Christians left christianity & the reason was clearly : It contradicts science ! What about Muslims ? Here you can read a breif information about Muslims & Science in the past ..
  • Astronomy :

Muslims have always had a special interest in astronomy. The moon and the sun are of vital ...

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Quran & The sensory characteristic of the skin

Dr. Tagata Tagasone: Laa Ilaaha Illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah !

This man is uttering the Islamic creed (Shahaadah) and declaring that he is becoming a Muslim. This occurred during the Eighth Saudi Medical Conference which was convened in Riyadh. He is Professor Tagata Tagasone, formerly ...
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Daddi Can you give me 10$ ?

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5 year old son waiting for him at the door.

"Daddy, may I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" replied the man.

"Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?"

"That's none of your business! What makes you ask such ...

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1 Muharram 1446
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