Cat Stevens : How I came to Islam

            All I have to say is all what you know already, to confirm what you already know, the message of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as given by God - the Religion of Truth. As human beings we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creation. Man ... Continue Reading

Ayesha a 14 years old New Muslimah!

Here is an Interview between us and Sister Stephanie (She is now 'ayesha) a 14 years old Muslimah from England.

- As-Salamu Alaikum

wa alaikum as-salam

- Dear sister, would you mind giving our readers a brief introduction about yourself?

My Name is 'Ayesha (Stephanie). I am a UK citizen ...

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Sexual Drive

Islam does not look down upon sexual drive as some people may think or call for shunning it. There is no monasticism in Islam. Rather, Islam views the sexual drive as a natural human instinct but sets etiquettes and limits for it in a manner that guarantees its purity and consistency. Thus, the society of the Message (Islam) and Da’wah (calling to Islam) remains pure and clean. ... more

The Virtues of Calling to Allah Almighty

Calling to Allah Almighty is among the best kinds of worship and the loftiest good works. ... more

(1) The Prophet's Birth

After the birth of Muhammad, Amina sent someone to inform his grandfather. He came, looked at the baby lovingly and took him to the Ka’bah ... more

Some of the fruits of following the Sunnah

there are many fruits which result of following the Sunnah: ... more

Month of Rajab and Sacred Months

At the beginning of Islam, Allaah The Almighty prescribed prohibiting fighting in the sacred months. ... more

Tawheed in Knowledge and Beliefs

To have faith in all that is authentically related concerning the matters of the Unseen ... more

Rulings Related to the Month of Rajab (2)

Thus, one should seize the opportunity of doing great good deeds in this month. That is because filling its times with the acts of worship really has great virtues. ... more

The example of minor sins

The meaning of the Hadith is exhortation not to underestimate sins, and holding oneself accountable for them because neglecting them will lead to destruction because minor sins may turn to be major ... more

A believer should not be stung twice from the same hole

A believer should be careful in all his affairs, so no one should be able to trick him twice. ... more
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29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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