Giving Sincere Advice

The giving of sincere advice enjoys a sublime and exalted position in Islam, and how could this not be so? The Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) considered the giving of sincere advice on a par with the religion as whole. The Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: ...

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Beating Bad Breath during Ramadan

Bad breath seems to be more potent when fasting due to the dryness of the mouth. To reduce this it would be recommended to drink plenty of fluids during the evening and suhur time. ... more

An Advice to University Freshers university, we are caught in a constant struggle between that which our Islamic morals and values call us towards, and that which typical university life tends to promote. ... more


In this day and age mankind has become controlled by his emotions... ... more


1- An act of worship that shapes everything in our life, it really reflects the very beauty of Islam, but the depth of its meaning is unfortunately misunderstood by many Muslims and Arabs.

2- Deen is Nasihah, the entire Deen is Nasihah, this means that Nasihah is much more deeper and ...

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Golden Advices for the Pilgrims

My pilgrim brother: these are some pieces of advice that I like to present to you asking Allah success for you and me. Sincerity... Sincerity... Beware of hypocrisy ... more

This is for you: The joy of my eye

For you my son I am writing these words, which throb with compassion and advice? truth and sincerity... hoping that you will find the right path that would direct you to righteousness and shows you guidance. ... more

An Advice to My Young Brother

This is a message sent by a compassionate mentor brother who is keen for your joy and happiness in both this worldly life and the Hereafter. ... more

To every husband

Below is a set of Prophetic advices and Muhammadan instructions to every Muslim husband. We ask Allah Almighty to help him obey Allah and obtain His good pleasure. ... more

The Message of the blessed month of Ramadan

These are short and restricted advice and guidelines about the month of Ramadan and the acts of worship that are desired in it; this in addition to the defaults and shortage that are observed in some Muslims... ... more

Ten stops for women in Ramadan

These are some concise words and precious calls which we give as a present to the Muslim women and the believing young women on the occasion of the coming of the month of Ramadan. ... more

Ten whispers for women

These words are forwarded to the granddaughters of Asmâ', the daughter of Abu Bakr, in their state of purity, chastity, and honor. They are for those who are walking on the path of Aisha and Hafsa (the wives of the Prophet), and Sumayyah (the first martyr in Islam), to the pure, pious, and chaste. ... more

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