Rethinking Military Victory

Peaceful coexistence between the polytheists of the Quraysh tribe and the Muslims was not possible in the Holy sanctuary of Makkah. The Quraysh increased their pressure and persecution on this estranged minority until they were forced to immigrate ... more

The Kaba the Sacred House of God

The Kaba is the sacred House of God situated in the middle of the Holy mosque in the city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. The black cube shaped box is familiar to people of all faiths due to the images that come out of Saudi Arabia every year at pilgrimage time. ... more

The Hajj - The Journey of Love

A poem on Hajj and Ummrah by Imam Ibn Qyayyim al-Jawziyyah - Translated by Usaman Hasan ... more

A Qur’anic Pilgrimage

The Hajj, just like the other pillars of Islam combines spirituality with physical action and reminds us that monotheism is not only a belief we maintain within our hearts and utter with our lips, but a principle we live out through our actions, regardless as to whether we be pilgrims or in a normal state going about our daily lives. ... more

The Method of Umrah

The Method of Umrah followed by Verdicts to Umrah Performers ... more

What after Pilgrimage?

My Pilgrim Brother... Accepted Pilgrimage and Praised Seeking... But...What after Pilgrimage? ... more

The Guide for Pilgrim

The Islamic Institute of promoting awareness of Hajj is pleased to introduce to you this brief guide which contains the most important things that must be known by the pilgrim concerning the rituals of his Hajj and 'Umrah. ... more

The holy Kaba and honorable Mecca

The Almighty Allah says: " And proclaim to the people the hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass -" [Al-Hajj 22:27] ... more

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