The Guide for Pilgrim

Since 2012-11-24

The Islamic Institute of promoting awareness of Hajj is pleased to introduce to you this brief guide which contains the most important things that must be known by the pilgrim concerning the rituals of his Hajj and 'Umrah.

The Guide for Pilgrim, the ones performing ‘Umrah and Visitors of the Prophet's Masjid

Praise only be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon His chosen worshippers, and so:

The Islamic Institute of promoting awareness of Hajj is pleased to introduce to you this brief guide which contains the most important things that must be known by the pilgrim concerning the rituals of his Hajj and 'Umrah. We hope that you would read it before you start performing these rituals in order to fulfill this duty at the best; we hope that you keep it, and pass it to your brothers after reading so everyone would benefit from it. We ask Allah a blessed Hajj, a rewarded seeking, and an accepted good deed.

(From the introduction of Sheikh/ Abdul ‘Aziz Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on his soul).

How can you perform the rituals of Hajj, 'Umrah, and visit the Prophet's Masjid:

The three rituals (forms) of Hajj: Tamattu', Qiran, and Ifrad.

Tamattu': A pilgrim wears Ihram (consecration) for 'Umrah during the months of Hajj (Shawwâl, Dhul-Qi’da, and the first ten days of Dhul- Hijja) and finishes it, then wears Ihram for Hajj from Makkah or near it, on the day of Tarwiya in the same year of his 'Umrah.
Qiran: A pilgrim wears Ihram for both Hajj and 'Umrah, and does not disengage from his Ihram except on the day of sacrifice, or he wears Ihram first for 'Umrah then makes intention for Hajj before starting its ritual of circumambulation (Tawaf).

Ifrad: A pilgrim wears Ihram for Hajj from Miqat, or from Makkah if he was residing there, or from another place other than Miqat, then he remains in Ihram till the day of sacrifice if he had a sacrificial animal to slaughter it, and if he does not, it is permissible to change his intention of Hajj to 'Umrah, so he performs Tawaf and Sa'i, clips his hair, and disengages from his Ihram according to the Prophet's, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, orders to those who wore Ihram but did not have a sacrificial animal. The same is for the one who performs Qiran if he does not have a sacrificial animal; it is permissible for him to break his Qiran to 'Umrah because of what we mentioned.

The best of the three forms is Tamattu' for the ones who do not have a sacrificial animal, because the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, ordered his companions by it, and assured on it.

Description of 'Umrah:

1- When you arrive at Miqat, bathe and get perfumed – if possible - then wear Ihram clothes, Izar (wrapper) and Rida'a (gown), and it is better if they are white clothes. The woman can wear whatever she wants from the clothes but without adorning or makeup (According to Hijab code). Then you make your intention for 'Umrah and say: "Here I am for 'Umrah(O Allah we answered your call, we answered Your call ‘O’ One with no partner we answered Your call, All praise and blessings is Yours and the dominion, O One with no partners).. Men should raise their voices when saying this but women say it in low voice. Then you should say Talbiyah often, also remembrance and asking for forgiveness, and the promoting of virtue and preventing of vice.

((لبيك اللهم لبيك، لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك، إن الحمد والنعمة لك والملك، لا شريك لك)).

Transliteration: Labayk Allâhuma Labayk, Labayk Lâ shareeka Laka Labyk, Ina Alhamda Wani’mata Laka wal Mulk La shareeka Lak

2- When you reach Makkah, you should perform circumambulation seven circuits around the Ka'ba, starting and ending at the Black Stone and saying "Allah is the Greatest” remember Allah and invocate Him by whatever you want from the supplications and remembrance of Allah, and the best is to end every circuit by saying: {Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!} [Surat Al Baqarah: 201], then pray behind Maqam Ibrahim even if you were far from it –if it is possible- or you may pray in any other place of the Holy Masjid.

{رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ} [البقرة:201]

Transliteration: Rabbanā 'Ātinā Fī Ad-Dunyā Ĥasanatan Wa Fī Al-'Ākhirati Ĥasanatan Wa Qinā `Adhāba An-Nāri

3- Then go to Al-Safa, and ascend it facing the Ka'ba, praise Allah the Exalted, and exclaim "God is the Greatest" three times while raising your hands, invocate Allah repeatedly for three times, this is the Sunnah. And say: "There is no God except Allah alone and he has no associates, all dominion and praise is His, and surely He is over everything Omnipotent. There is no God except Allah alone, fulfilled His promise, supported His slave, and defeated the alliances by Himself" three times. But there are no restrictions if you said it less than three times.

"لا إله إلاّ الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك، وله الحمد، وهو على كل شيء قدير. لا إله إلاّ الله وحده، أنجز وعده، ونصر عبده، وهزم الأحزاب وحده" ثلاثاً

Transliteration: La ilaha il-lallah Wahdahu la Sharika lahu, Lahu-l-mulk, waLahu-l-hamd wahuwa 'ala kullishai'in Qadir. La ilaha il-lallah Wahdahuanjaz Wa’dahu, Wa Nasara ‘Abdahu, Wa Hazama Al Ahzab Wahdahu.
Then descend and perform Sa'yi of 'Umrah for seven times, you run fast between the green markers and walk at a normal pace before and after them, then ascend Al-Marwah and praise Allah, and do what you have done on Al-Safa, and repeat it - if possible- for three times.

The rituals of Tawaf and Sa'i have no specified assigned supplication, but the one who performs them can say whatever he can of supplications, remembrance of Allah and reciting the Holy Qur'an, while taking into consideration what was mentioned about the Prophet's, may peace be upon Him, supplications and remembrance of Allah.

4- So when you complete your Sa'i, shave or clip the hair of your head. And by that you have completed your 'Umrah, and after that everything which was restricted during Ihram is now allowed.

So if you were performing Tamattu' you should slaughter a sheep, or a seventh of a mountain goat or a cow, on the day of sacrifice, but if you could not you should fast ten days, three days while Hajj and seven when you return to your family, and it is preferable to fast three days before the Day of ‘Arafat if you are performing Tamattu’ or Qiran.

Description of Hajj (pilgrimage):

1- If you are performing only pilgrimage (Hajj) or combining it with ‘Umrah, you must wear Ihram from the Miqat which you will arrive at, but if you were some place else so wear Ihram with your intention from that place.
And if you are performing Tamattu', wear Ihram for Hajj from your place on the day of Tarwiya, which is the eighth day of Dhul-Hijja, take a bath and get perfumed – if you could -, wear the clothes of Ihram, and then say: "Here I am for Hajj. Here I am, oh Allah, here I am, … etc".

"لبيك حجاً: لبيك اللهم لبيك... إلخ"

Transliteration: Labayk Hajan: Labayk Allahum Labayk etc….

2- Then go to Mina and there pray noon, afternoon, sunset, evening and dawn prayers; the four-unit prayers are shortened each one at its time, without combining them.

3- When the sun of the ninth day of Dhul-Hijja rises, go to ‘Arafat quietly and be careful not to hurt anyone of your pilgrim brothers, and there pray noon and afternoon prayers combined at the time of noon, by one adhan (call for prayer) and two Iqamas (second call for prayer).

Then be sure of being within the limits of ‘Arafat area, and increase your remembrance of Allah and make as many supplications as possible while facing the Qibla raising your hands following the tradition of the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, as all ‘Arafat is a place of standing, and stay within its limits till sunset.

4- At sunset walk to Muzdalifah in peace and quite without hurting your Muslim brothers, and pray sunset and evening prayers combined and shortened when you arrive to Muzdalifah, then stay there till you pray dawn prayer and just before the sun rises, increase your supplications and remembrance of Allah after dawn prayer while facing the Qibla and raising your hands following the Sunnah of the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him.

5- Then walk before the sunrise to Mina while saying Talbiyah. And if you have an excuse as women and weak people, so you can walk to Mina during the last half of the night. Take with you only seven pebbles to throw at Jamrat Al-‘Aqaba. But the rest of the pebbles you may collect them from Mina, and so the seven pebbles that you will throw on the day of ‘Eid as Jamrat Al-Aqaba can be taken from Mina.

6- And upon reaching Mina do the following:

a) Throw Jamrat Al-Aqaba which is the closest monument to Makkah, saying: Allahu Akbar "Allah is the Greatest,” while throwing each pebble successively.

b) Slaughter the sacrificial animal –if you are obligated to-, eat some of it and feed the poor.

c) Shave or clip your hair; shaving is more preferable. A woman clips her hair the length of a finger-tip.

The above order is better, but there is no restriction if one precedes another.

And if you threw then shaved or clipped you are disengaged the first disengagement, after that you wear your clothes, then all the permissible deeds are allowed except having intercourse with your wife.

7- Then go to Makkah to perform the circumambulation of Al-Ifadha then Sa'i if you were performing Tamattu', or did not perform Sa'yi with the circumambulation of initiation (Tawaf Al-Kodoom) if you were performing only pilgrimage or combining it with ‘Umrah, and by then you are allowed to have intercourse with your wife. And it is allowed to delay the circumambulation of Al-Ifadha beyond the days of Mina after throwing the pebbles.

8- After performing circumambulation of Al-Ifadha on the day of sacrifice, return to Mina to spend the nights of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth there – the days of Tashreeq - and it is permitted to spend two nights only.

9- Stone the three Jamarat in the two or three days that you are spending at Mina, after sunset start with the first Jamrah, which is the furthest from Makkah, then the middle one, and last Jamrah of Al-Aqaba. Each one should be stoned with seven consecutive pebbles accompanied by Takbeer (saying: “Allah the Greatest”).

If you spend two days only, you should leave Mina before sunset of the second day. But if the sun sets at Mina you must spend the third night and stone that afternoon, and it is preferable to spend the third night there.

And it is allowed for the sick and weak to delegate someone to throw for him, and it is permitted for the delegated person to throw for himself first and then for the person who delegated him in the same time.

10- When you are ready to return to your country after finishing the rituals of Hajj, perform the Last Circumambulation (Tawaf Al-Wada’) around the Ka'bah. Menstruating and postpartum women only are pardoned not to perform the Last Circumambulation.

Obligations on the Ihram performer:

The person performing Ihram for Hajj and 'Umrah should do the following:
1. Be committed to Allah's religious obligations, such as prayer in its time in congregation.
2. Avoid what Allah has prohibited such as obscenity, fornication, dispute and disobedience.
3. Avoid harming the Muslims physically or verbally.
4. Avoid all of the restrictions of Ihram which are:
a. He should not clip any of his hair or nails, but if he lost some of them accidentally while Ihram so no sin is recorded against him.
b. He should not perfume himself, his clothing, his food or his drink after starting Ihram. There is no harm in what remains of perfume used prior to Ihram.
c. He should not hunt either by killing, ambushing, or helping in it as long as he is performing Ihram.
d. He should not cut the trees and the green plants of the Holy Masjid whether he is performing Ihram or not and never picks up any of them except to know what they are, because the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, forbade all of this.
e. He should not be wed or propose to a woman for himself or others, have sexual intercourse, or touch them with desire as long as it is prohibited.
And these prohibitions apply equally to men and women.

These requirements are for men only:

a) He cannot cover his head with something that touches it, but it is permissible to use an umbrella, the roof of a car, or carrying his baggage atop his head.

b) He cannot wear a shirt which includes everything that is tailored for the whole body or part of it; also he cannot wear robes, turbans, hooded cloak trousers, or shoes. Only if he is unable to obtain an Ezar (wrapper) he can wear trousers, and if he cannot find slippers he can wear shoes.

A woman can neither wear gloves nor Niqab while Ihram. But if men not related to her might see her, then she must cover her face as if she is not performing Ihram.

But if the Ihram performer wore tailored clothes, covered his head, scented, or clipped from his hair or nails because of forgetting or unknowing for the judgment, so he does not have to expiate it by taking any action, but he should stop doing what is prohibited once he knows about it.

It is permissible for him to wear slippers, rings, eyeglasses, hearing aid, watch worn on his wrist, belt or a bag to keep his money and papers.

It is permissible for him to change his clothes and wash it, and wash his head and body, even if some of his hair falls unintentionally or he is wounded, so he does not have to expiate it by taking any action

Visiting the Prophet's (prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him) Masjid:

1- It is better for you to go to Madina at any time with the intention of visiting the Prophet's (prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him)Masjid and praying in it. Because the prayer there is better than a thousand prayers elsewhere except in the Holy Masjid in Makkah, according to the Prophet's, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, speech.

2- Visiting the Prophet's (prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him) Masjid has no required Ihram or Talbiyah, and there is absolutely no connection between it and the Hajj.

3- When you arrive at the Prophet's (prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him) Masjid enter with your right foot first, name Allah the Almighty, pray upon the Messenger of Allah, and ask Allah to open the doors of His mercy to you. And say: ((I seek refuge in Allah the Almighty and in His noble countenance and His eternal power from Satan the Rejected. O Allah, open to me the doors of Your Mercy)), as he does when he enters any Masjid.
((أعوذ بالله العظيم، ووجهه الكريم، وسلطانه القديم، من الشيطان الرجيم. اللهم افتح لي أبواب رحمتك))
Transliteration: `A’uthu Billahi Al-‘Atheem, Wa Wajihih Al-Kareem, Wa Sultanihi Al-Qadeem Minal Shaytanil Rajeem. Allahuma Iftah Lee Abwab Rahmatik

4- Then perform two prayer-units of greeting the Masjid (Tahiyyat AI-Masjid), it is preferred to pray in the sanctified Rawdah (Garden) of the Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him), otherwise you can pray it in any other place within the Masjid.

5- Then proceed towards the Prophet’s, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, grave and face it, then politely utter in a low voice: “Greetings be to Allah’s Messenger, Allah’s Mercy and blessings be upon you.”, and it is allowed if you say: "O Allah bestow upon Muhammad al-waseelah (a rank in Paradise) and al-fadeelah (a rank above the rest of creation) and reward Him with the magnified place which You have promised Him. O Allah, reward Him the highest for what He did for his nation".
"السلام عليكم أيها النبي، ورحمة الله وبركاته". وصل عليه، وإن قلت: "اللهم آته الوسيلة والفضيلة، وابعثه المقام المحمود الذي وعدته. اللهم اجزه عن أمته أفضل الجزاء"
Transliteration: As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Aiuha An-Nabey WA rahamatu Allahi Wa Barakatuh……Allahuma Atihi Al-Waseelata Wal Fadeelah WA Ib’ath-hu Maqam Al-Mahmûd Al-Lathee Wa’dttah. Allahum Ijzihi ‘An Umatihi Afdal Al-Jaza`

Then move a little bit towards your right side to face the grave of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (may Allah be pleased with him). So greet him and pray for Allah to grant him forgiveness and mercy.

Then move again a little further towards your right side, to face the grave of Omar, so greet him and supplicate for him.

6-You can go to pray in Qiba` Masjid in a state of purity, following the Prophet's Sunnah, (prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him), in what he did and encouraged to do.

7- You can go visit the graves of the people of Al-Baqee’, Othman's grave (may Allah be pleased with him), the grave of Hamza (may Allah be pleased with him) and the other martyrs of Uhud battle. So you greet and pray for them, as the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon him, used to do so, and he taught his companions to say at visiting the graves: "Peace be upon you, inmates of the abodes of the believers and the Muslims, and if Allah pleases, we shall follow you, we pray to Allah for well being for ourselves and for you" [Reported by Muslim].

«السلام عليكم أهل الديار من المؤمنين والمسلمين، وإنا إن شاء الله بكم لاحقون، نسأل الله لنا ولكم العافية» [رواه مسلم]

Transliteration: As-SAlamu ‘Alaikom Ahl Ad-Diyar Min Al-Mu`minîn Wal Muslimeen, Wa Inna In sha` Allahu Bikum Lahiqûn, Nas`al Allahu Lana Wa Lakum Al ‘Afyah

And Madina has not got any other Masjids or places that you should be visiting other than the mentioned, so do not bother yourself, and bear things that not only will not gain you any rewards but also can gain you sins, and Allah is the patron of success.

Mistakes made by some of the pilgrims:

First: Mistakes in Ihram (consecration):

The pilgrim passes the Miqat of his location without performing Ihram at it, till he reaches Jeddah or other internal Miqat and he does it there, which is a violation to the orders of the Prophet, (prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him), as every pilgrim should wear Ihram in the Miqat which he first passes by.

So who commits this mistake should return to the Miqat that he passed and wears Ihram at it if it is convenient, or he must slaughter a sheep in Makkah and give it all to the poor, whether he came to Makkah through the air, land or sea.

But if he did not pass by any of the five known Miqats, he should wear Ihram when he adjoins the first Miqat he passes by.

Second: Mistakes in circumambulation:

1- The pilgrim sometimes starts his circumambulation before the Black Stone, while it is necessary to start at it.

2- Performing circumambulation from inside Hijr Isma’îl, as by doing so, the pilgrim will not have performed Tawaf around the Ka'ba but instead he circumambulated around a part of it, because the Hijr is a part of the Ka'ba and so his performance is void.

3- Al Raml – which is hurrying (walking fast) - in the seven rounds, and it is not allowed except in the first three rounds of circumambulation of initiation (Tawaf Al Kodoom).

4- The strong competition for kissing the black stone, and sometimes pushing and cursing. This is not appropriate not only because of the probability of hurting other Muslims, but also because cursing and pushing are not allowed between Muslims under any circumstances.

Quitting the kissing of the Black Stone will not affect the validation of Tawaf, as his Tawaf is valid even if he did not kiss it, and being parallel to it even if he was far and pointing at it while saying "Allah is the Greatest" is enough.

5- Touching the Black Stone to seek goodness and blessings, and that is a innovation with no base in Shari'ah. And Sunnah is to face and kiss it only if it is possible.

6- Touching and wiping the corners of Ka'ba, and perhaps all its walls. And the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, did not touch from the Ka'ba except the Black Stone and the Yemeni Corner.

7- Reciting a specific supplication in each round of Tawaf, as it is not mentioned that the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, recited a specific supplication except saying "Allah is the Greatest" when passing by the Black Stone, and said between it and the Yemeni Corner at the end of each round: {"Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!"} [Surat Al-Baqarah: 201].

{رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ}.

Transliteration: rabbana atinafee alddunya hasanatan wafee alakhiratihasanatan waqina AAathaba alnnari

8- Raising the voice while Tawaf by some of the pilgrims, which causes confusion to the other people performing it.

9- Competing to pray at Makam Ibrahim, which is a violation to the Sunnah, because of the harm caused to some of the people performing the circumambulation. And it is enough to pray two prayer-units of Tawaf in any place in the Masjid.

Third: Mistakes in Sa'i:

1- When ascending Al Safa and Al Marwah some pilgrims face the Ka'ba, and point at it by their hands while saying "Allah is the Greatest" as if they were doing it for praying, this gesture is incorrect because the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, used to raise his noble hands only for invocation, praising Allah, saying "Allah is the Greatest" and invocating Him by whatever he wants facing the Kibla, and the best is to say the supplications that the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, said on Al Safa and Al Marwah.

2- Running fast during Sa'yi between Al Safa and Al Marwah in every round, but the Sunnah is to run fast between the two green markers only while walking in a normal pace in the rest of the round.

Fourth: Mistakes made at ‘Arafat:

1- Some pilgrims stop outside ‘Arafat area, and they stay there until sunset, then they leave for Muzdalifah without standing at ‘Arafat. This is a huge mistake which invalidates their Hajj, as the Hajj is ‘Arafat. And they must be within the boundaries of ‘Arafat not outside it, so they should take that in consideration. And if this is not possible, they have to enter ‘Arafat before sunset and stay till after that, and it is permissible to enter it at night especially on the night of sacrifice.

2- Some of them leave ‘Arafat before sunset which is not allowed. Because the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, stood at ‘Arafat till the sun had set completely.

3- The jamming in ascending the mountain of ‘Arafat and reaching its top, which can cause many damages. Be aware that all of ‘Arafat is the place of standing. And ascending the mountain and praying on it are not permissible.

4- Some of them face the mountain of ‘Arafat when invocating Allah, but the Sunnah is to face the Qibla.

5- Some of them stack stones and dust at the day of ‘Arafat in certain places, which has no origin in God's religion.

Fifth: Mistakes made at Muzdalifah:

Some pilgrims become busy collecting the pebbles as soon as they reach Muzdalifah instead of praying sunset and evening prayers, and they believe that the pebbles of Jimar must be collected from Muzdalifah.

And the correct is that they can be collected from anywhere in the Haram. And it is known about the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, that he did not order them to collect for him the pebbles of Jamrat Al ‘Akaba from Muzdalifah, but instead they were collected for him in the morning when He left Muzdalifah and after entering Mina, so He took the rest of the pebbles from Mina. And some of the pilgrims wash the pebbles with water which is not permissible.

Sixth: Mistakes made at stoning:

1- Some pilgrims think that they are stoning the devils when they stone the Jimar, so they throw them with anger accompanied with cursing these devils, but stoning the Jimar was legislated only for establishing remembrance of Allah.

2- Stoning the Jimar by large rocks, shoes, or pieces of wood, this is an exaggeration in religion which the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, had forbidden.

What is legislated is throwing the small pebbles which are in the size of the small dung of the sheep.

3- Jamming and fighting when throwing the Jimar. And the legislated is the kindness and throwing the Jimar with care and doing one's best not to hurt anyone.

4- Throwing all the pebbles at one time. And the scholars said: "In this case only one pebble will be counted, and the legislated is throwing one by one, and saying: "Allah is the Greatest" while throwing each one".

5- Delegating someone to stone while the pilgrim is able to stone by himself, fearing from the discomfort and crowd, and the delegation is not permissible except when the pilgrim is unable to stone by himself due to an illness or else.

Seventh: Mistakes made in performing the Last Circumambulation (Tawaf Al Wada'):

1- Some of the pilgrims go out from Mina on the day of Al-Nafr (onrush) before stoning the Jimar to perform Tawaf Al Wada', return to Mina to stone the Jimar, and then return home from there so that the last period of his Hajj will be spent in the Jimar not in the Holy Masjid. And the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, said: "No one should go home from Hajj unless he spends the last hours in the Ka'aba."

«لا ينفرد أحد حتى يكون آخر عهده بالبيت»

So Tawaf Al Wada' should be performed after finishing all rituals of Hajj and immediately before departure, and the pilgrim should not stay in Makkah after performing it except to fulfill a need.

2- Getting out of the Holy Masjid after performing the Tawaf Al Wada' moving while facing the Ka'ba, claiming that it is out of glorifying the Ka'ba, which is an innovation without any base in religion.

3- Some of them turn around towards the Ka'ba when reaching the door of the Holy Masjid after finishing Tawaf Al Wada', and invocate as if they are saying farewell to the Ka'ba, which is an innovation that has never been legislated too.

Eighth: Mistakes made when visiting the Prophet's, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, Masjid:

1- Wiping to the walls and the steel bars when visiting the Prophet's, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, grave, also tying threads or else to the windows as a blessing. But the blessing comes by following what Allah and his Prophet, (prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him), have legislated not innovations.

2- Going to the caves of mount Uhud, Hira' and Thawr in Makkah and tying pieces of cloth there, invocating by supplications that were not legislated by Allah and exerting a lot of efforts in doing that. All of these are innovations which have no base in our sanctified religion.

3- Visiting some places which they claim that they are from traces of the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, as the place where the camel kneeled down, and the well of the Khatem (ring) or Othman's well, and taking some dust from these places as a blessing.

4- Calling the dead when visiting the graves of Al Baqee’ and the martyrs of Uhud battle, and throwing coins there as a way for approaching and being blessed by them, this is not only from the huge mistakes, but it is also from the most sinful polytheism as mentioned by the scholars, and it was proved in the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet, prayer and peace of Allah be upon Him, because worshipping is to Allah only and it is not permissible to associate any part of it with Him, such as invocation, slaughtering, vow, etc. according to Allah's the Almighty speech: {And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allâh, and worship none but Him Alone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him)} [Surat Al-Baiyinah: 5],

{وَمَا أُمِرُوا إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ} [البينة:5]

Transliteration: Wa Mā 'Umirū 'Illā Liya`budū Al-Laha Mukhlişīna Lahu Ad-Dīna

and His speech: {And the Masjids are for Allâh (Alone): so invoke not anyone along with Allâh} [Surat Al- Jinn: 18].

{وَأَنَّ الْمَسَاجِدَ لِلَّهِ فَلَا تَدْعُوا مَعَ اللَّهِ أَحَدًا} [الجن:18]

Transliteration: Wa 'Anna Al-Masājida Lillahi Falā Tad`ū Ma`a Al-Lahi 'Aĥadāan

We ask Allah to grant the Muslims well being and understanding of the religion, and protect us and them from the delusiveness of seductions… He is the All Hearer, the Answerer

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