The removal of harm

Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) intend by removing harmful objects from pathways to clean pathways from dirt only or the Prophet (peace be upon him) intended other things? ... more

Laylat al-Qadr

Laylat al-Qadr is a noble and honorable night, in which good deeds are multiplied; sins are forgiven; and affairs are decreed ... more

The economic dimension(effects) of the war

War and its readiness are detrimental to development, squandering scarce resources and undermining international confidence that is necessary to promote development, ... ... more

Economy and technical progress

Doctrinal reflections on technical progress are undoubtedly due to much earlier Aristotle, who was very attentive to the machine's characteristics. As for the progress itself, it fills the entire history of humanity, and there is even a temptation to say that it goes back to before that date itself. ... more

Insulting scholars and pursuing their defects are blameworthy

Abdullah ibn Al Mubarak, the master of the science of Hadith who died in 181 AH, was asked: Who are the best among people?

He said: Scholars.

It was asked: Who are the best among kings?

He said: The ascetics.

Somebody asked: Who are the low people[1]?

He said: Those who replace religion with the ...

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Episode 27 (Last Episode): A Spotlight on The Prophet's Last Days

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Allah has perfected the religion and this blessing reached every human being. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has perfected, what has been revealed from His Lord, the responsibility for clear notification.

Sheikh S’ad Al-Ghnna’m:The message from Allah ...

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Episode 26: A Spotlight on The Farwell Pilgrimage

Sheikh Ali Paqees: After Allah has completed the Prophet’s message and the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم had seen that the fruits of his call began to overspread, he decided to perform one of the most important branches of the Pillars of Islam, which is Pilgrimage (Al- Hajj)

Sheikh ...

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Episode 25: A Spotlight on Tabuk Invasion

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: After Shurahbeal bin 'Amr Al-Ghassani had killed the prophet's dispatched messenger, Al-Harith bin 'Umari Al-Azdi to the ruler of Al-Busra,  the prophet sent an expedition lead by Zaid bin Haritha where they fought the Roman in M'utah.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi:  M'utah ...

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Episode 24: A Spotlight on Hunayan Invasion

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Allah, the best judge and All Knowing, granted his Messenger the victory of Conquering Mecca and people embraced Islam in multitudes, which gladdened the believers and rejoiced them to their hearts contents. Yet some of the Arab tribes refrained.

Sheikh Khaled ...

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Madaya: people are starving to death

The town of Madaya is surrounded by landmines planted by the Syrian regime, the thing that makes it difficult for people to search for food in the surrounding areas. ... more

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