The removal of harm

Since 2021-08-02

Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) intend by removing harmful objects from pathways to clean pathways from dirt only or the Prophet (peace be upon him) intended other things?

Have you thought about the meaning of the Prophet's Hadith: "Removing harmful objects from pathways is a charity"?

Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) intend by removing harmful objects from pathways to clean pathways from dirt only or the Prophet (peace be upon him) intended other things? He said about himself: I was given the skill of short inclusive words. The Prophet (peace be upon him) intended to remove any harm from pathways whether that harm is material such as dirt or moral such as actions that are done in streets and harm passersby whether they are foul words or actions that are censured by sound senses and public taste.

Has not the time come to obey the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)? Allah (Glory be to Him) urges us to follow his commands when He says: "And obey Allâh and the Messenger (Muhammad peace be upon him)." [Surat Al Ma'idah: 92]. By this obedience our life becomes better.

Educators and people of opinion in our society have talked long about this Hadith and referred to it, but the response to it was little, but you may say rare.

Rarely, you see a child applies the instructions mentioned in this Hadith because he does not see much interest of his parents about that matter. When the parents do not forbid their child to throw something in the street, you see the child ignores that matter totally or partially because children incline to imitate the grown-ups in their behavior and actions.

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