An Example of Honesty

Since 2012-12-06

The authentic book of Hadith (Bukhari) presents an ideal story of an Israeli man asked another Israeli to lend him one thousand Dinars.


The authentic book of Hadith (Bukhari) presents an ideal story of an Israeli man asked another Israeli to lend him one thousand Dinars. The second man required witnesses. The former replied, ‘Allah is sufficient as a witness.’ The second said, ‘I want a surety.’ The former replied, ‘Allah is sufficient as a surety.’ The second said, ‘You are right,’ and lent him the money for a certain period.
Finally he went to his city and collected money before the scheduled period. Now please have your eyes on one of the example of honesty. Certainly you will be astonished where such Muslims are left now, and why we do not take lesson from such events, and why we become dishonest after looking at money. This destitute fellow collected all the money on the day when it was to be reached there but then he thought he would be a liar if the money did not reach accordingly on fixed time.
Consequently, he picked a strong bamboo (wood) and made a hole from inside. Having put the money inside, he closed the wood from upper side very carefully, and prayed to Allah: ‘O Allah! You know well that I took a loan of one thousand Dinars from so-and-so. He demanded a surety from me but I told him that Allah’s Guarantee was sufficient and he accepted Your guarantee. He then asked for a witness and I told him that Allah was sufficient as a Witness, and he accepted You as a Witness. No doubt, I tried hard to find a conveyance so that I could pay his money but could not find, so I hand over this money to You.’ He, after such benedictory words, politely threw the wood into the river with a thought that he had thrown the wood into the river but he was thoughtful whether the person (money-lender) would receive money or not. Will it be a better idea to pay the loan; and with such ideas, he collected the required money again and went there thinking: perhaps his friend might have not received the money.
Now come to the other side. The money lender counted the days for receiving the amount, and when the time came up that it was the appointed day (today), he went to the shore but he did not find anyone.
After a while, a wood was coming to him by floating in water. He thought the wood looked better, it would be helpful in cooking, and finally he picked up the wood from water and took it to his destination. After reaching home, when he saw the wood carefully, he found marks on its surface. He opened it and inside the hole, he found the money with the letter.
«عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: أنه ذكر رجلا من بني إسرائيل، سأل بعضهم بني إسرائيل أن يسلفه ألف دينار، فقال: ائتني بالشهداء أشهدهم، فقال: كفى بالله شهيدا، قال فأئتني بالكفيل، قال: كفى بالله كفيلا، قال: صدقت، فدفعها إليه إلى أجل مسمى، فخرج في البحر فقضى حاجته، ثم التمس مركبا يركبها يقدم عليه للأجل الذي أجله، فلم يجد مركبا، فأخذ خشبة فنقرها، فأدخل فيها ألف دينار وصحيفة منه إلى صاحبه، ثم زجج موضعها، ثم أتى بها إلى البحر فقال: اللهم إنك تعلم أني كنت تسلفت فلانا ألف دينار، فسألني كفيلا فقلت: كفى بالله كفيلا، فرضي بك، وسألني شهيدا فقلت: كفى بالله شهيدا، فرضي بك، وأني جهدت أن أجد مركبا أبعث إليه الذي له فلم أقدر، وإني أستودعكها، فرمى بها في البحر حتى ولجت فيه، ثم انصرف، وهو في ذلك يلتمس مركبا يخرج إلى بلده، فخرج الرجل الذي أسلفه، ينظر لعل مركبا قد جاء بماله، فإذا بالخشبة التي فيها المال، فأخذها لأهله حطبا، فلما نشرها وجد المال والصحيفة،...» رواه البخاري
Now think of the other person, he preceded his journey with the money he collected again, while he had already sent back the amount to the money lender. But he did so, thinking how he would pay his debt if it was not received by him (the money lender). In actual facts, he was afraid of the facts that he would have to be responsible for the same on the day of judgment if he failed to pay his debt.
--- The real essence of duty is to pay the debts taken ---
Is of course an ideal factor that attracts our attentions. We take loan but forget to pay it in time, and after all claim to be a Muslim or a follower of Islam The thoughts drifting into the mind of the man who took the money from money lender were nothing but only to pay the loan in time. Do we hold such mentality; we should have such contemplations in our turn. The above mentioned story reveals about rights of people that leads to honesty towards mankind.
--- Right of people by people for people ---
To be paid is of course very essential for humanity and known as an etiquette of the people fearing from the factors of Peoples Rights.
O Mankind! Think with careful attentions, study authentic Hadith (Tradition of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him), give up reading novels and fictions in which there remain the stories related to fraud cases and robbery, and the events mentioned in Hadith will give you lessons of ideality, faith, sincerity and piousness.
Shortly after that, the debtor came bringing one thousand Dinars to him and said, “By Allah, I had been trying hard to get a boat so that I could bring you your money, but failed to get one before the one I have come by.’ The lender asked, ‘Have you sent something to me?’ The debtor replied, ‘I have told you I could not get a boat other than the one I have come by.’ The lender said, ‘Allah has delivered on your behalf the money you sent in the piece of wood. So, you may keep your one thousand Dinars and depart guided on the right path.’ “
«...ثم قدم الذي كان أسلف ، فأتى بالألف دينار، فقال: والله ما زلت جاهدا في طلب مركب لآتيك بمالك، فما وجدت مركبا قبل الذي أتيت فيه، قال: هل كنت بعثت إلي بشيء؟ قال: أخبرك أني لم أجد مركبا قبل الذي جئت فيه، قال: فإن الله قد أدى عنك الذي بعثت في الخشبة، فانصرف بالألف دينار راشدا» رواه البخاري
Now think of the honesty of both the persons. The man borrowing money had already sent the money to money lender but was not satisfied. He came back with the money again, and also think of the honesty of money lender who did not hide the money he received before. Please consider we are eating others rights. Now look at the man what he did. There was no witness, no proof, but there remained a grave contemplation towards peoples-rights and the fear of Allah that enlightened him for maintaining honesty.
{And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him.} [At-Talaaq 65:4].
{وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّـهَ يَجْعَل لَّهُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ يُسْرًا} الطلاق: 4
Transliteration: waman yattaqi Allaha yajAAal lahu min amrihi yusran
He gets so much wealth but leaves all keeping in view the presence of Allah. He considers such amounts as illegal and the rights of others. Why did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tell this story? This event is not narrated by Salaf Al-Saleheen (ancestors). It is not fiction but the event expressed by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is advice, admonition, direction, law and instruction.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) explained to us to disburse rights of people in such a way as mentioned. Bukhari, the authentic book of Hadith, also expresses the events of such honest people who were afraid of others rights in spite of doubts. As regards to our own issues, we are not ashamed of hoarding more by hook or crook, and in addition we bribe, eat bribed money and are not ashamed. On the other hand, the people like the men (as indicated in the story) were ashamed in gobbling others wealth. We should take lessons from the ideal story mentioned above.
By: Tariq Sohrab Ghazipuri
With little modification



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