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3 Ways to Save Yourself from Fitna

Hold your tongue, let your home suffice you and cry over your sins

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The Art of Parenting

The first factor of effective parenting is making Duaa for the spouse and children; the second is building a good relationship with children; the third is to be a good model for your children to follow; and the fourth is to play an active role in the education of our children...

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How Can We Thank the Grace of the Birth of the Prophet, Peace be upon Him?

How Can We Thank the Grace of the Birth of the Prophet, Peace be upon Him?
One of the graces that Allah the Almighty bestowed upon us is the birth and mission of the Prophet, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him, as well as revealing the Noble Quran to him. However, how ... more

Palestine...How We Got Here?

We should not lose hope because Allah is our Lord Who promised, " for the land, my righteous servants shall inherit it."

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