Shoora and Democracy: A Conceptual Analysis

Can a country that abides by the principle of shoora constrained by Islamic values be described as democratic? ... more

Why are New Muslims Leaving Islam?

Had the new Muslim been supported, been shown how to pray, been taught the foundations of Islam and given a firm foundation, been put in touch with a good group of brothers or sisters that took them under their wings and looked after them; they would have had the tools and strength of faith to deal with the tests that face most new Muslims. ... more

The First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

The same way Allah (azza wajal) created the months, he chose out of them Ramadan to give extra reward to his servants. By the same token, when he created the days, he chose the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah to be the best days.

This season of worship brings many benefits, ...

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